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Example sentences for "outclassed"

Lexicographically close words:
outcast; outcaste; outcastes; outcasts; outclass; outcome; outcomes; outcries; outcrop; outcropping
  1. The man was Uncle Mo, who got out of the house in plenty of time to stop Michael half-murdering the marauder, as soon as he considered the latter had had enough, he being powerfully outclassed by the costermonger boy.

  2. It was almost too poor a shuffle to accuse him of, but she was always flying at the throat of equivocation, even when she knew she might be outclassed by it.

  3. The Britisher soon came to understand that we Yankees were too much for him, even though he outclassed us both as to metal and men, for he wore around and came down to us as meekly as any lamb.

  4. One who can in a general way discuss a large number of subjects may be entirely outclassed by one who knows but one subject but knows it well and feels it.

  5. He had to accept his task as Destiny set it, and he cut a very poor figure over it--was quite outclassed by Sairah.

  6. He easily outclassed Aunt Priscey on the subject of her ancestors.

  7. And it wouldn't do such an army much good to get there and then be outclassed by the weapons the Baldies might have," Ashe said.

  8. But it was completely outclassed on land, and the man dodged it easily.

  9. There were many air battles fought at a few hundred feet above the ground, but the Germans were decidedly outclassed and had to retire after they had lost six machines.

  10. It was a truly run race and His Eminence outclassed his field.

  11. It was plain to all that they were outclassed and the crowd passed them up and centered all their attention on the leaders.

  12. The Emden opened fire, and the Mousquet replied, though, of course, the destroyer was quite outclassed by the cruiser.

  13. The British flotilla was, of course, hopelessly outclassed by the German cruisers, but with great gallantry it tried to close in and torpedo the enemy.

  14. Even while holding it the thing best worth living for--they placidly submitted to be outclassed in sport.

  15. And, apart from the University buildings, the town of Cambridge, with its narrow streets and mean public edifices, is hopelessly outclassed by the beautiful city of Oxford.

  16. Not that it is otherwise than a fine structure, and, like Great Yarmouth, splendidly wide, having a double nave and a double chancel; but it is hopelessly outclassed by those in the neighbouring villages.

  17. The submarines used were of a type soon so outclassed as to become almost obsolete, the easiest of prey to net and torpedo, and working at a distance from their bases then unprecedented.

  18. In the series of trials that followed, the Sans-pareil and the Perseverance were so clearly outclassed by the other two competing locomotives that they need not be considered here; but the Novelty and the Rocket were close competitors.

  19. The Perseverance was clearly outclassed by all the other competing engines, as its maximum speed was only five or six miles an hour.

  20. A13] {1} allow oneself to be left behind, outclassed or outdone.

  21. A12; b8] be outclassed or outstripped in comparison.

  22. Lúpig siya, piru may payting ispírit, He was outclassed but he had a fighting spirit.

  23. And so in a match of wit rivals outclassed go unnoticed, and there is always an effort to go the adversary one better.

  24. Napoleon had gotten together another navy, and having combined with Spain they had a fleet that outclassed that of England.

  25. The baseball match turned out to be a mere setting for the display of the eccentricities and superior baseball qualities of Sam, which apparently quite outclassed those of his teammates in the match.

  26. Then you did not see that the British ships were distinctly outclassed in guns both as to range and as to weight.

  27. But this fine craft was completely outclassed by the puny Astra-Torres.

  28. Indeed, she had long since learned that in argumentive powers she was hopelessly outclassed by her intellectual daughter.

  29. The fact was, he simply outclassed the three of us as a poker player--and, by the way, I wonder why it is that men that have got something the matter with their lungs are invariably such rattling good poker players?

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "outclassed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.