Sir Henry Tate used to take an evident pleasure in walking about the galleries that his munificence had provided.
The new Tate Gallery, raised by the munificence of one of our merchant princes for the enshrinement of modern British Art, is a building of quite another kind.
Similar records of misplaced munificence might be produced from Bovianum and Beneventum, from Tibur and Perusia, and many another obscure Italian town.
Munificence was often indeed, in obedience to the sentiment of the time, wasted on objects which were unworthy, or even to our minds base and corrupting.
The municipal towns relied largely on the voluntary munificenceof their wealthy members for great works of public utility or splendour.
And it must be confessed that these records of ambitious munificence and expectant gratitude do not raise our conception of either the economic or the moral condition of the age.
But there are many signs that private ambition or munificence did even more.
And another, for his munificence to Pompeii, by a decree of the Curia, was awarded the use of the bisellium, a seat of honour which was usually reserved for the highest dignitaries.
He followed and improved upon the example of his father in munificence to his native place.
Lucilius of Ostia had held all the great offices of his town, and had rewarded his admirers with a munificence apparently more than equivalent to the official honours they had bestowed.
The work was assisted by the munificence of a distinguished married lady, and many both among the slaves and the acquaintances who frequented my house were aware both of the commission for the work and its execution.
For assuredly as nature with impartial munificencehas distributed and implanted many remedies throughout all other created things, so also similar remedies are to be found in fish.
Nay, not even Africanus, when he rewarded the records of his deed, rose to the munificence of the Danes.
Proofs were therefore demanded of bravery on the one hand and munificence on the other, and Rolf was asked to give an evidence of courage first.
Since the beginning of the 20th century agricultural education and rural training in Canada have been greatly stimulated by the munificence of Sir William C.
Does not this form a singular contrast with the patriotic munificence displayed at the death of General Foy?
The palace of Nicholas and of Leo was the temple of learning, and the gifted of every nation flocked to the city of the pontiffs to live in the smile of his favour and on the munificence of his bounty.
In short, everybody was to be enriched, while the munificenceof the State in selling its credit and spending the proceeds, would make its empty coffers overflow with ready money.
I believe, too, that the munificence of a community is generally wiser and better directed than that of private benefactors.
Nothing can be more admirable than the munificence of rich men in the United States.
The munificence of monarchs who generously lavish the money of the taxpayer is a familiar case of the same fallacy.
Dear Sir,--The unbounded range of munificence presented to my choice staggers me.
He is the young poet of Xmas, whom the Author of the Pleasures of Memory has set up in the bookvending business with a volunteer'd loan of £500--such munificence is rare to an almost stranger.
It is not strange that with this large and various capacity of social service, the free library should be rapidly growing in public favor; nor that private munificence should frequently come to the municipal provision.
It would ill become the citizen of a country where private munificence has accomplished so much in channels of public spirit, to overlook these noble memorials of enlightened private action.
Among all the numerous hordes of authors who have been paid, recompensed, or encouraged by Bonaparte, none have experienced his munificence more than the Italian Spanicetti and the German Ritterstein.
He has none but what is received from royal and paternal munificence and bounty.
The Hicks munificence was too uncalculating not to be occasionally oppressive.
This munificence was not diminished towards his son Baldwin; though it was dropped through the evil disposition of Robert Friso, as my history has already recorded.
Your munificence and disregard of money, is amply shown by the monastery of Tewkesbury; from which, as I hear, you not only do not extort presents but even return its voluntary offerings.
The chancel was renovated through the munificence of the Earl of Leicester, lord of the manor, and holder of the impropriate tithes.
East Dereham church was, for the first time, lighted with gas, through the munificence of an anonymous parishioner.
The Fletcher Convalescent Home, at Cromer, built by the munificence of Mr. B.
The church of Framingham Pigot, built through the munificence of Mr. G.
The following record must be read by every American, with pride and pleasure, at such an instance of liberality and honorable munificence to the memory of the brave.
Judge Story, and from thence, at the request of the relatives, were removed to New York; there the city council took charge of the funeral in a manner worthy the munificence which they had promptly manifested on every naval occasion.
This entertainment was executed equal to the munificence and taste of Lord Munster--and as it was given entirely in honor of Lady Darnley, the principal objects in his arrangements had a reference to her.
From this derelict condition Leicester Square was rescued by the enterprise and munificence of Baron Albert Grant, whose chequered career was largely redeemed by an act which gave us the Square as we know it.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "munificence" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.