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Example sentences for "octahedral"

Lexicographically close words:
ocote; octagon; octagonal; octagons; octahedra; octahedron; octahedrons; octangular; octant; octaues
  1. It is a tantalate of calcium, and occurs in octahedral crystals usually very minute.

  2. Defn: A titanate of lime occurring in octahedral or cubic crystals.

  3. Defn: A fluoride of alumina and soda occurring with the Greenland cryolite in octahedral crystals.

  4. A fluoride of alumina and soda occurring with the Greenland cryolite in octahedral crystals.

  5. A mineral occuring in octahedral crystals, also massive, of a reddish color.

  6. A titanate of lime occurring in octahedral or cubic crystals.

  7. The latter is enveloped by the octahedral calymma, which is radially striated and contains numerous xanthellae.

  8. The genus Circoporus, the simplest among the Circoporida, is distinguished by the regular octahedral form of the shell, with the three equal axes of the regular crystalline system perpendicular one to another.

  9. Octahedral crystals of zircon are then produced, which have the same crystalline form, appearance and optical qualities as the natural zircon.

  10. The octahedral cleavage of the diamond is taken advantage of in dressing the stone before cutting it.

  11. Finally, minute crystals were obtained which showed octahedral planes with dark boundaries due to high refracting index.

  12. If a few drops be evaporated on a glass slide and examined by the microscope, numerous minute and mostly imperfect octahedral crystals, or an amorphous deposit, will be seen, presenting triangular surfaces by reflected light.

  13. If this deposit be driven about from place to place it will gradually become oxidized, and octahedral crystals of arsenious acid formed.

  14. If some of the powder be heated in a small test tube, it will be sublimed, and small octahedral crystals, visible to the naked eye or by a lens, obtained.

  15. Cortical shell enveloping it, with dense spongy framework, also octahedral with rough surface.

  16. Cubosphaerida# with spongy spherical or octahedral shell (with or without enclosed concentrical lattice-shells).

  17. The genus Hexacromyum possesses four concentric, spherical, or octahedral lattice-shells; two inner medullary shells within the central capsule, two outer cortical outside it.

  18. Cubosphaerida# with solid spongy spherical or octahedral shell, without latticed medullary shell in the centre, and with six simple radial spines of equal size.

  19. The eight sides of the octahedral shell are even, equilateral-triangular.

  20. Acute rhombohedra in combination with the basal pinacoid are also frequent, giving crystals of octahedral aspect.

  21. The largest did not generally exceed eight carats, except one of a fine octahedral form, full seventeen.

  22. The arsenic present volatilizes and is oxidized to arsenious acid which forms a deposit, consisting of octahedral crystals, on the cold part of the tubes.

  23. It occurs also in threads of various size, twisted and interlaced into a chain of minute octahedral crystals; as also in spangles or roundish grains, which when of a certain magnitude are called pepitas.

  24. Even in the middle ages, this art was still unknown; for the four large diamonds which enrich the clasp of the imperial mantle of Charlemagne, as now preserved in Paris, are uncut, octahedral crystals.

  25. It crystallizes in the cubic system; with regular octahedral and tetrahedral cleavages; spec.

  26. Crystals of it are often found in diluvial and alluvial sand and gravel, along with true sapphires, pyramidal zircon, and other gems, as also with octahedral iron ore, in Ceylon.

  27. The octahedral borax, which is prepared by crystallization, in a solution of 1.

  28. Liroconite; octahedral arseniate of copper; lens ore, so called from the flatness of the crystal.

  29. It may be obtained, from the slow cooling of its alcoholic solution, in octahedral crystals.

  30. They are colorless, pointed, often needle-like, octahedral crystals (Fig.

  31. We have now to consider the breaking up of the octahedral groups, and more and more, as we proceed, do we find that the most complicated arrangements are reducible to simple elements which are already familiar.

  32. In some cases the prisms are so much reduced in length as to resemble the octahedral crystals of oxalate of lime, for which they are sometimes mistaken by the inexperienced.

  33. Minute, transparent, yellow octahedral crystals very feebly soluble in water, less so in dilute alcohol, and insoluble in acids; heat converts it into spongy platinum.

  34. The principal crystalline forms of oxalate of lime, when it occurs as a urinary deposit, are the octahedral and the dumb-bell.

  35. Tartar emetic occurs in commerce in colourless, transparent, rhombic, octahedral crystals, slightly efflorescing in dry air.

  36. A particle of silver cyanide, moistened with strong ammonia, develops needles; silver chloride treated similarly, octahedral crystals.

  37. White octahedral crystals were found in the contents of the stomach, which on separation gave arsenical reaction.

  38. In analysis it is obtained in brilliant octahedral crystals as a sublimate on discs of glass, or within tubes, the result of heating a film of metallic arsenic with access of air.

  39. The tendency of their crystallization is to restore octahedral and cubical forms.

  40. One of these specimens is an irregular octahedral crystal, eight inches in diameter.

  41. The crystals of octahedral borax fuse more easily than those of the prismatic form and are less liable to split when heated, so that they are preferable for soldering or fluxing.

  42. On standing for several hours in a glass vessel, this liquid deposited numerous and well-defined octahedral crystals, which, being subjected to the usual chemical processes for the detection of arsenic, were found to be arsenious acid.

  43. Heated in a tube it gave a sparkling white sublimate, which, under the microscope, was found to consist of octahedral crystals.

  44. Crystals of usually octahedral habit in the isometric system.

  45. Commonly crystallizes in isometric octahedral forms alone or combined with twelve-faced forms.

  46. Diamonds are always found as crystals, usually octahedral in form, though often irregular or distorted.

  47. If this ring be also heated, octahedral crystals of arsenic will be deposited farther up the tube, and are easily recognized by the microscope.

  48. Nitrate of Barium= occurs in octahedral crystals, soluble in water.

  49. Perfect crystals, which are of a dodecahedral or octahedral form, are fairly abundant.

  50. Thus on a cube face of a crystal of salt the rays of the percussion figure are parallel to the diagonals of the face, whilst on an octahedral face a three-rayed star is developed.

  51. Sometimes a face is entirely replaced by small faces of other forms, giving rise to a drusy surface; an example of this is shown by some octahedral crystals of fluorspar (fig.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "octahedral" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.