Then the whole class with the teacher make a visit to the grocery store, spend perhaps all the morning there, each child trying to see how much he can find out for himself.
Each child is anxious to read some particular book, so there is little or no need to trap his attention, or to insist on an endless repetition.
Each child has a strong individuality, and any science must take stock of all the facts in its material.
He then repeats the rhyme, fast or slow, as he is capable or disposed, pointing with the hand or forefinger to each child in succession, not forgetting himself, and allotting to each one word of the mysterious formula.
Each child is assigned a topic on which to write a short composition or give a brief oral report.
We know also, inversely, that the volume of work entailed in serving fifty-four thousand children may endanger the quality of book service given to each child.
To prepare the blind for self-maintenance, there should be an equally careful study of the ability of each child.
It would probably be more satisfactory to such a teacher if each child could be brought to school in a sedan-chair, with only one window and that in front, and could be kept in it during the whole session.
In the other "quiet room" they are building a village, each child constructing, according to his own ideas, the part assigned him.
It was the inherent right of each child to be educated, and the State must not only see that the means are provided, but also require attendance at the schools (R.
Moreover, each child is different from every other child in the whole world.
The effort is being made to have the teacher recognize the individuality of each child; but the mother is still expected to confine her ministrations to his individual digestion.
Besides the toys that are related to various lines of activity, each child, as soon as he is old enough, wants the opportunity to work with materials and tools.
The distinctiveness of each child lies in the fact that he consists of a combination of capacities and tendencies, each of which varies in degree when compared with other individuals.
Besides constantly associating home and school knowledge, we shall try to know the home and parents better, and the disposition and surroundings of each child.
The character of each child should be drawn into harmony with the highest impulses that men have felt.
If the teacher, at the close of her description, could have the mental state of each child photographed on the blackboard of her schoolroom she would be in mental distress.
We have assumed the latter position, and claim that the whole construction of the school course and the whole method of teaching should contribute powerfully to the unification of all the knowledge and experience in each child's mind.
Each child has a bath at school once a week, and at first the mothers are uneasy about this part of the programme, lest it should give their child cold.
The doctor visits the school twice a week, and the weight of each childis carefully watched.
As each child comes, give her a little stick fixed up like a crook, and tell the children to find the sheep.
When the music stops, each child tries to find a seat.
When the battle begins, each child aims at the general, endeavoring to knock him over, and as many others as he can.
There are five sets of these attractive objects in each box; and so each child has at his disposal the equivalent of five sets of the long stairs used for his numerical combinations in the earliest exercise.
Each child adds to his own portfolio other designs which he chooses and sometimes originates.
They are light and easily handled and may be included in the individual possessions of each child.
Each child has a turn in finding the article, the place of hiding being changed each time for the new finder.
Each child receives a handsome cornucopia or box as a receptacle for his popcorn.
Each child represents a point of the compass--north, south, east, west.
Each child has an old magazine, a piece of cardboard and a pair of scissors, while tubes of paste lie conveniently near.
Each child in turn takes one thing at a time, from the stand where the various articles are piled, and carries it to the table at the opposite side of the room.
Each child in turn pulls a petal from the daisy and tries to guess the name of the flower, which is the answer to the conundrum written on the under side of the petal.
Each child tries in the time allowed--about twenty minutes--to guess the names of the flowers and plants on the sheet or cardboard, and write each opposite its number on his piece of paper.
After a story has been read aloud and the characters and events freely discussed by the class, each child may be encouraged to represent the part which has appealed to him--i.
Each child should be supplied with a number of single sheets of newspaper torn to convenient size, to paste on, each sheet to be discarded as soon as used.
Each child is thrown more completely upon his own responsibility and can proceed as rapidly and as steadily as his capacity permits.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "each child" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.