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Example sentences for "nobleness"

Lexicographically close words:
nobiscum; nobla; noble; nobleman; noblemen; nobler; nobles; noblesse; noblest; noblewoman
  1. There was a murmur of admiration, and more than one bow and muttered apology about necessity and the nation, as the crowd beheld the maiden in all her innate nobleness and dignity.

  2. I confess I have done ill, because I am a woman and young, and 'will be nobleness in you not to remember it.

  3. And then, because I am familiar, And deign out of my nobleness and bounty To grace your weak endeavours with the title Of courtesy, to wave my fan at you, Or let you kiss my hand, must we straight marry?

  4. His name is preserved in history, alike for his military talents and services, for his attainments in literary pursuits, and his nobleness of mind.

  5. The malice was quite impotent against One whose spiritual and moral nobleness struck awe into dying malefactors and heathen executioners, even in the lowest abyss of his physical degradation.

  6. Do not fancy that all nobleness of spirit is lost among us people below.

  7. But we give Him all these names by reason of His nobleness and incomprehensible sublimity, and because we cannot name or proclaim Him completely.

  8. This is the nobleness which we have naturally according to the essential unity of our spirit, where it is united naturally to God.

  9. And still further, no Poet ever came up to him, in the Nobleness and Sublimity of Thought, so frequent in his Tragedies, and all express'd with the most Energick Comprehensiveness of Diction.

  10. What could have made her peaceful with a mind That nobleness made simple as a fire, With beauty like a tightened bow, a kind That is not natural in an age like this, Being high and solitary, and most stern?

  11. I know no better example of the nobleness of Mr. Yeats's verse and his incomparable music.

  12. She spoke indeed with a nobleness not the less effective for coming in so oddly; with a sincerity visible even through the complicated twist by which any effort to protect the father and the daughter seemed necessarily conditioned for them.

  13. His translator and editor credits to the magnanimity and nobleness of nature of Las Casas the omission of the names of great offenders in connection with the terrible wrongs done by them.

  14. Their mutual love and fidelity showed the nobleness of both, showed also what the Protestant Gospel was.

  15. Thus they lived in the court, with great nobleness and joy, long time.

  16. So this same tale was told to Sir Galahad and to Sir Tristram:--here may ye hear the nobleness that followeth Sir Launcelot.

  17. It is well done, said Merlin, that ye take a wife, for a man of your bounty and nobleness should not be without a wife.

  18. Then king Anguish and Sir Tristram took their leave, and sailed into Ireland with great nobleness and joy.

  19. And I dare say and make it good, that all kings, christian nor heathen, may not find such a knight, for to speak of his nobleness and courtesy with his beauty and his gentleness.

  20. He was a singularly graceful horseman, and his emotion heightened the nobleness of his countenance.

  21. It is the work of a thoroughly cultivated woman, who, in her nobleness of aim, in her generosity of sentiment, in her purity of thought and style, may be considered a worthy representative of our best type of educated womanhood.

  22. Thy noble harbour, which was so great honour to thee, is deprived of all the nobleness which was wont to come into it for thy sake.

  23. Who can tell the great rejoicings which were made at those marriages, and the great nobleness thereof?

  24. He who should relate to you the great preparations, and the great nobleness which were made for the nonce, would have much to recount.

  25. But it was a coarse practical jest, conveying a rude insult, and the quickly returning nobleness of his nature made him ashamed of it, as soon as he had clambered back with his trophy.

  26. The attitude was full of nobleness and simplicity.

  27. Me too thy nobleness has taught To master my despair; The fountains of my hidden life Are through thy friendship fair.

  28. Oliver Wendell Holmes A true friend will appear such in leaving us to act according to our intimate conviction,--will cherish this nobleness of sentiment, will never wish to substitute his power for our own.

  29. We are constantly moved in them by a nobleness of tone, whose absence in many admired lyrics of the kind is poorly supplied by conceits.

  30. Never could the world have understood the ineffable love and beauty and nobleness of the characters of both Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, had these letters been withheld from the public.

  31. As your Nobleness so kindly takes an interest in my career, I should like to explain my position, if your Nobleness would deign to listen.

  32. Wish her Nobleness a very good day for me,” replied an uncertain voice from dingy depths unknown.

  33. But the nobleness of Virgil's nature is not the nobleness of those qualities which make men great in resistance to wrong, but the nobleness of a gentle and gracious spirit.

  34. In the Georgics, the sense of the relation of Nature to human energy imparts greater nobleness to the conception.

  35. In this vow of reticence there was a certain nobleness which kept Isabel going; but Madame Merle had been right, for all that, in taking her precautions.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "nobleness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.