And fynally she wroot and seyde him thanne, She wolde come, ye, but she niste whanne.
Ful redy was at pryme Dyomede, 15 Criseyde un-to the Grekes ost to lede, For sorwe of which she felte hir herte blede, As she that niste what was best to rede.
For when he saugh that she abood so longe, He niste what he iuggen of it mighte, Sin she hath broken that she him bihighte.
And thus she brenneth bothe in love and drede, So that she niste what was best to rede.
The lasse wofulle of hem bothe niste Wher that he was, ne mighte o word out-bringe, As I seyde erst, for wo and for sobbinge.
So glad he was, he niste what to seye; She kiste hir sone, and hoom she gooth hir weye.
Tho vanisshed the olde man, heniste where, And pope Urban him cristened right there.
Greet was the sorwe, for the haukes harme, That Canacee and alle hir wommen made; They nistehow they mighte the faucon glade.
And fostred in a roche of marbul gray 500 So tendrely, that nothing eyled me, I niste nat what was adversitee, Til I coude flee ful hye under the sky.
But certeinly, er he came fully there, 995 Vanisshed was this daunce, he niste where.
And this was longe, and many a yeer 775 Or that myn herte was set o-wher, That I did thus, and niste why; I trowe hit cam me kindely.
I saye right as I have seyd, 1145 On hir was al my love leyd; And yet she niste hit never a del Noght longe tyme, leve hit wel.
I was bothe anguissous and trouble 1755 For the peril that I saw double; I niste what to seye or do, Ne gete a leche my woundis to; For neithir thurgh gras ne rote, Ne hadde I help of hope ne bote.
Ah, and a niste day for a dinner down there, and a row on the river arterwards.
Blowed if here ain't two Bobbies a tossin',' says one o' them niste boys as yer meets with in London.
Like all houses o' your sort, there's some nistegals downstairs, and noises allus goes uppards a deal easier than they goes down'ards.
Niste things they was for swindling a poor cove out of his hard-earned suffrins.
A niste job two on us had in Oxford-street, I think it was, one day.
Ful redy was at pryme Dyomede, 15 Criseyde un-to the Grekes ost to lede, For sorwe of which she felt hir herte blede, As she that niste what was best to rede.
And fynally she wroot and seyde him thanne, She wolde come, ye, but she niste whenne.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "niste" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.