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Example sentences for "night comes"

  • At night comes Mr. Moore and tells me how Sir Hards.

  • He gone, I to the office again to dispatch business, and late at night comes in Sir W.

  • Night comes on and if there was ever a darker or more starless one I can not place it.

  • Night comes on, the firing ceases and the fight is ended.

  • Night comes on cold and drizzly and starless.

  • Night comes on, and at ten o’clock we run into a dense fog.

  • Night comes on, and although there is no moon the sky is without a cloud and the stars shine brightly, giving us enough light to guide our canoe.

  • The fires in the valley are extinguished, but they are still running up the mountain side, and as night comes on the flames gleam with a weird light.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "night comes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    burn incense; erect position; having killed; her with; important part; laid bare; lean meat; mother dear; night after; night and; night attack; night before; night came; night comes; night duty; night fell; night home; night kiss; night march; night school; night time; night work; probably the; small bunch; small parties; striking instance