Where on the marshes boometh the bittern, Nicker the Soulless sits with his ghittern; Sits inconsolable, friendless and foeless, Bewailing his destiny, Nicker the Soulless.
Farther along, Billy Louise heard a welcoming nickerand turned her head.
Rattler pricked up his ears at the sound of those other riders, but he did not show enough interest to nicker a greeting; he was always a self-centered beast and was content to go his way alone, like his master.
Another nicker acknowledged the caress, but the great horse did not stir.
The eyelids fluttered, and the faintest possible nicker was breathed through the nostrils as he strove to raise his head.
The air was heavy with lilac fragrance, and from the distance, as he rode between the lilac hedges, Graham heard the throaty nicker of Mountain Lad and the silvery answering whinney of the Fotherington Princess.
But I hope never to get the last one--" He broke off at sound of the unmistakable nicker of Mountain Lad.
The Gold Dust maverick heard the voice and with a friendly little nicker rubbed her head against the outstretched hand.
Captain Jack pricked forward his ears at the sound of hoofs and as the beautiful mare leaped around the turn and appeared above the bank of the grade the little roan squealed a nicker of recognition.
For months he had not heard the sound of a human voice, nor the nicker of any horse other than his own.
But it was well he called, for his friendly nicker fell on human ears.
I judge by its nickeryou didn't stop for no dinner to-day.
Patsie gave a little nicker of anticipation as she scented the sacks of oats, carefully covered, in the back of the wagon.
The game consists in hitting a particular button out of this line with the nicker without touching the others.
The Empress tried to nicker an answer to her baby but the effort cost her last breath and heart-throb.
The nicker of a smile passed over his face, and he gazed for the first time at his bound-up finger-ends with a softening aspect which must have done them good.
His soft nickeranswered that he had not left her, and he rose to go close to her.
Someone called to Songbird, and as the child ran out of her father's big tepee, Star gave a shrill nicker and raced pell-mell down the slope until he gained her side.
The pony answered with a low nicker of delight, tossed his shaggy mane, kicked his hind heels and galloped to her side, where he bent his head that she might pet his nose and pull his ears gently, while his eyes told her how much he loved her.
With the first gray light of dawn, the pony gave a soft nicker of pleasure, and broke into his swiftest run.
Then he wanted to nickerin protest, but he found that he could not.
Lifting his head, he gave off a shrill and protracted nicker of greeting.
That's the horse you heard nicker a while ago," he added, soothingly.
The mare sounded another friendly nicker when arranged beside him, and the black, pricking up his ears sharply, turned to her and proceeded to establish his friendship by licking her.
When he was conducted back into the open, and the end of the rope made fast to a stake, he lifted his voice in a shrill nicker proclaiming his satisfaction.
Suddenly, as she sat there, seemingly powerless, there came a shrill nicker whipping across from the corral--the voice of Pat.
And now, weakened as he was, he sounded a forlorn, protractednicker of protest.
But he was interested only in the pool, and, when his master removed his saddle, eagerly and with a soft nicker he stepped toward it.
Turned loose with the other horses, he fell to grazing eagerly, actually finding it good, and once lifting a long and shrill nicker in gratitude for this change in his condition.
Then, close upon the echo of this, rose another appeal in the trail close by, the shrill nicker of the mate to the mare.
If they pass him in a drift, when he hasn't got a thing for them, they'll nicker and nicker, and keep turning their heads to look after him.