From molluscum contagiosum, neuroma and lipoma; the first is differentiated by its central aperture or depression, neuroma by its painfulness, and lipoma by its lobulated character and soft feel.
A trunk-neuroma is recognised clinically by its position in the line of a nerve, by the fact that it is movable in the transverse axis of the nerve but not in its long axis, and by being unduly painful and sensitive.
Neuroma is a clinical term applied to all tumours, irrespective of their structure, which have their seat in nerves.
The malignant neuroma is met with chiefly in the sciatic and other large nerves of the limbs.
Plexiform Neuromaof small Sciatic Nerve, from a girl æt.
Neuroma may be from enlargement of the end of a divided nerve or due to fibrous degeneration of a nerve which has been bruised or wounded.
Neuroma usually develops within the sheath of the nerve with or without implicating the nerve fibers.
According to Osler the tubercula dolorosa or true fascicular neuroma is not always made up of nerve-fibers, but, as shown by Hoggan, may be an adenomatous growth of the sweat-glands.
Duhring reports a very rare form of disease of the skin, which may be designated neuroma cutis dolorosum, or painful neuroma of the skin.
Quoted by Senn, Campbell de Morgan met with a plexiform neuroma of the musculo-spiral nerve and its branches.
Plexiform neuroma is always congenital, and is found most frequently in the temporal region, the neck, and the sides of the face, but almost any part of the body may be affected.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "neuroma" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.