She finally becomes anemic and neurasthenic and a misanthrope.
Neurasthenic and tiqueur alike may suffer from aboulia, obsessions, and nosophobia, and the same depressive causes may favour the establishment of the two diseases; but this is true of any form of psycho-neurosis.
Stage by stage he follows the development of the disease, from its earliest indications in the poet's incessant nervous headaches, which he ascribes to neurasthenic causes.
That Lenau was a neurasthenic seems to be the consensus of opinion, at least of those medical authorities who have given their views of the case to the public.
But when I rang off I told myself that I, too, was becoming neurasthenic and suspicious.
Shame in regard to eating, it may be added, occasionally appears as a neurasthenic obsession in civilization, and has been studied as a form of psychasthenia by Janet.
We must also remember that we have to distinguish between the post and the propter, and that it is quite possible that neurasthenic persons are specially predisposed to masturbation.
It is especially injurious in the very young, and in all who have weak nervous systems," but "the physical traits attributed to the habit are common to thousands of neurasthenic and neurotic individuals.
Lately Mörchen has published a case of epileptoid neurasthenic twilight state.
As Diehl shows,[18] in neurasthenic mental deficiency crises also occur which often confuse the diagnosis.
The question arises whether the early lapses and later somnambulic attacks could not be conceived as states of exhaustion, so-called "neurasthenic crises.
Not knowing the constituents of the nerve-cells, they still attempt to prescribe for neurasthenic patients.
The most casual of observers will tell you that the generation of the Great War is a neurasthenic generation.
The neurasthenic is to be recognized by the fact that the most painstaking objective examination of his organs reveals nothing the matter with them.
An individual with a soil for a neurasthenic reaction to life will become neurasthenic when confronted by any stone wall, including a serious ailment within himself.
The same cause provokes a rupture between a father and a son in "The Obscure Distance," and brings with it in some way the death of the neurasthenic student.
The Sense of Smell in Neurasthenicand Allied States.
A neurasthenic sensitiveness to odors, specially sexual odors, is frequently accompanied by lack of sexual vigor.
It is certain also that a great many neurasthenic people, and particularly those who are sexually neurasthenic, are peculiarly susceptible to olfactory influences.
Here, indeed, it is often exaggerated, in consequence of the common tendency for neurotic and neurasthenic persons to be more than normally susceptible to the influence of odors.
These causes removed, nervousness and all neurasthenic tendencies disappear, and Nature asserts herself and produces physical normality.
The best remedy for the weary or discouraged mind, or the neurasthenic body, is the praise and esteem of people.
Sidenote: Suggestions for the neurasthenic] Neurasthenic patients should first be given rest, which means complete or total diversion from business cares, worry, financial or social responsibility.
As a rule neurasthenic individuals become, as is well known, worse as far as the mental condition is concerned when they are asked to assume new responsibilities.
In many cases a lack of restraint, bad education, uncontrolled passion, are a marked influence in fixing the neurasthenic habit.
The cerebral neurasthenic makes rash, impetuous changes in his mode of life.
Be careful in the selection of a confessor for a neurasthenic child.
Bloody sweat may occur in malaria; it may be connected with neurasthenic conditions, and it has been caused frequently by overwhelming emotion, as terror and anguish.
A neurasthenic person may have a tender conscience, an imbecile has no conscience.
A sedulous parent nags at a neurasthenic child that is too weak for exertion until the child's susceptibility to correction is blunted.
Women at the menopause frequently are observed who have become neurasthenic from the irritation of waste material intoxication which is not neutralized because the ovaries are ceasing to function.
The bowels cannot be emptied or are moved without the patient's knowledge, and these annoyances combine with the pain and nervous apprehension to drive the victim into a melancholic or neurasthenic state.
But many neurasthenic people also suffer from being read to, or, in other words, from any prolonged effort at attention.
These hysterical, neurasthenic people are great egoists," the doctor went on hotly.
These "longings" in their extreme form may properly be considered as neurasthenic obsessions, but in their simple and less pronounced forms they may well be normal and healthy.
You've always got yourself on your hands in the end: and a very raw and jaded and humiliated and nervous-neurasthenic self it is, too, in the end.
There was a sense of electric surcharge everywhere, frictional, a neurasthenic haste for excitement.
The subject was a highly intelligent though neurasthenic youth, who from the age of 5 had been deeply interested in criminals who were fettered and sent to prison.
The neurasthenic and neuropathic states may be regarded as conditions of more or less permanent fatigue.
This "boss" was in love with a stout siren, who preferred a neurasthenic gentleman perpetually haunted by a particular melody.
A nation that is overfed, under-exercised, and notably neurasthenic should neglect nothing that makes for prompt and reliable self-control.
With its customary shock death had for the time being given Mary a false estimate of her mother and herself, the usual neurasthenic experience people undergo at such a time.
We have to fool ourselves to keep on going down the broad highway; or else we would be sanitarium devotees, neurasthenic muddles.
Agamemnon wasneurasthenic and Achilles impotent: they lamented their condition at length, and naturally their outcries produced no change.
He thought it was only a morbid jest of a neurasthenic girl, amusing herself by annoying him.