If so his expectations were negatived by that crisis now on in the French Ministry over the Italian question prohibiting consideration of any other matter.
And as she looked at him rather doubtfully, and suggested that her mother would be wondering at their absence, he negatived the idea at once.
Of these, General Gage negatived the unprecedented number of thirteen, including all the popular leaders nominated.
But the motion was negatived by a majority of 63 to 13.
Yet the principle of compulsory arbitration for a limited number of international differences was by no means negatived by the Hague Peace Conferences, especially not by the Second Conference.
From the first recorded instance to the last, several writers[49] of authority have negatived the question.
Yet, against all this weight of authority, the President puts forth his own individual opinion, and has negatived the bill for continuing the law.
Congress would have continued the charter of the bank; but the President negatived the bill.
It was carried through the Senate in this amended form with difficulty, but it was negatived by Mr. Madison, being one of the two cases in which he exercised the veto power during his eight years' administration.
In order to mark the spirit of these instructions with the disapprobation of the Senate, the nomination of Mr. Van Buren as Minister to England was negatived by a majority of that body.
In case 97 the persistence for four weeks of paralysis of the bladder and rectum suggested medullary hæmorrhage in addition, while the return of patellar reflex in the paralysed limb negatived the occurrence of an extensive destructive lesion.
They negatived a declaration of the divine right of presbyterian government.
The doctor interposed to make offers of his father's horses, carriage, and servants; but Faith quietly negatived them all.
These views again prevailed as to the first branch, and Mr. Pinckney's proposition for electing that branch by the State legislatures was negatived by a vote of three States in the affirmative, and eight in the negative.
But Mr. Falkirk had reasons of his own for negativing that plan, and negativedit accordingly.
In the course of the walk Stuart begged for a ride with Miss Kennedy, again negatived on the plea that Miss Kennedy's horses were not yet come.
Of course the suppressed and negatived motions against the slave trade are not to be sought among these, but could only have been found in the lost journals of the House.
This imputation was negatived by his immediate departure from the country, setting out at once upon his mission, without awaiting the action of the Senate on his nomination.
A bill for regulating commerce in such a manner as to make it the interest of Britain to refrain from injuring us, and redress the wrongs we had suffered by spoliations, was agreed to by the House, but negatived in the Senate.
The motion was negatived by a very great majority.
The business of establishing the permanent residence is contrary to the sentiments of a majority of the members of this House, and of the Senate, as they have both negatived a bill for this purpose the present session.
The amendment wasnegatived without a division, but by a very great majority.
He thought the principal part of the duties might be assigned to the Secretary of Foreign Affairs; and he would, if the committee negatived the present motion, introduce another for that purpose.
GRAY, Conservative Member for Maldon, moved crucial Amendment, which was negatived only by critical majority of four in a House of 286 Members.
In the case, therefore, of a Regency, all proposals of junction will instantly be negatived as inconsistent with our duty to the King.
That the Russian influence has negatived the good effects of many of his endeavours is palpable, and forces itself daily on the notice of those who look closely and carefully on the existing state of things at Constantinople.