Not disconcerted by this distance, he procured a chair, upon which he cast himself, perfectly at his ease, immediately behind her.
He saw me not, though he cast himself beside me on the couch--his sash streamed over my dress, his sword rested against my hand, his spur touched my foot.
After having carried on these antics for some time, Knipperdolling dashed into the market-place, cast himself down on the ground, and fell into an ecstasy.
Rottmann, feeling that all was lost, cast himself on their lances and fell.
And when he was risen up, he cast himself on the face of the dead monk, and cried, "Woe is me!
As soon as Dagobert saw him, he cast himself at his feet, to ask him pardon for what was passed.
Albert, fearing that the death of the saint might make him change his purpose, cast himself at his feet, and implored him to come and make his profession before the dying saint at once.
He cast himself into a seat, and for some minutes remained in bitter commune with his own heart, while the music and the dancing, and the gay society of the capital, were as unmarked as if they had not existed.
Forgetting pride and all its train, he cast himself at her feet; he held her hand when she sought to go; and he poured forth, from the deep feelings in his heart, all those ardent and fiery words which well might move and win.
His next act was to cast himself into a chair, and cover his eyes with his hands, while his lip might be seen quivering with agonizing emotion.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cast himself" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.