That was one of the annoying aspects of the muzzling order; one met in muzzle shops people with whom neither temperament nor circumstances would otherwise have thrown one.
Dreadfully tahsome, this muzzling order,' she said, originally.
The plan was to enforce muzzling over large areas in which the disease existed, and to maintain it for six months after the occurrence of the last case.
The principal means adopted were the muzzling of dogs in infected areas, and prolonged quarantine for imported animals.
The efficacy of dog-muzzling in checking the spread of rabies and diminishing its prevalence has been repeatedly proved in various countries.
There is a difference of opinion on the way in which muzzling acts, though there can be none as to the effect it produces in reducing rabies.
He was talking about the recent muzzling order, and added, in quick little tones, "They are talking about muzzling cats, I see.
There was in this sudden muzzling of the Press a sort of arrogant challenge that stunned men's faculties.
The muzzling regulations in Norwich were withdrawn in the last week in October.
On June 30th the Norwich Town Council adopted the muzzling order, and similar regulations were introduced by the Norfolk County Council.
Muzzling in a flour-tub#: running their heads into a tub of flour to fish out prizes.
Since the Muzzling Order, says a weekly paper, fewer postmen in the West End have been bitten by dogs.
We are asked by the Dogs' Trade Union to point out that this is not due to the Muzzling Order, but to the fact that just at present there is a fine supply of dairy-fed milkmen in that district.
Judge Douglas is going back to the era of our Revolution, and, to the extent of his ability, muzzling the cannon which thunders its annual joyous return.
My opinion of dog muzzling is, muzzle all or muzzle none.
Of course, what I have just related occurred a few years ago, but when the Muzzling Order came into force, the authorities practically stopped Rat coursing, for they would not let a dog run at a Rat unless the dog was muzzled.
This in my opinion, speaks very bad of the Muzzling Order, which I think is nothing but a farce, for at the very time I was going ratting, dogs were muzzled in some parts of the country but not in others.
Apropos of the same little dog, we asked a policeman at the North Wall, one wintry morning of arrival, if the muzzling order was in force in Dublin.
The disease was very rife in 1895, but the extensive application of the muzzling restrictions of the Board of Agriculture was accompanied by so steady a diminution in the TABLE XXIII.
It says in the encyclopedia that hydrophobia is stamped out in this country--by Mr. Long's muzzling order.
There is no reason why the disease could not be stamped out of a state in six months by muzzling all the dogs.
But muzzling the dogs in a village here or in a town there is really only temporizing with the trouble.
I don't despair of muzzlingthe sirocco, even as we are muzzling that often Mediterranean pest, the malaria.
The immunity lasted for nine years, during which muzzling was enforced.
The inefficiency of some orders for the muzzling of dogs makes nothing against these facts.
In 1875 universal muzzling was made obligatory in all communes where rabid animals had been and in adjoining communes.
The same truth is told in the entire extinction of rabies in Berlin by the universal muzzling of dogs, as recorded above.
Muzzling ferrets appertains solely to rabbiting, but it is useful to know how to do it.
They had used force in the muzzling of Liebknecht, and quietly they were employing a most potent force every day, the force of preventive arrest.
I was an eyewitness of one of the most drastic muzzlingepisodes which has occurred in the Reichstag during the war--or probably in the history of any modern Parliament--the suppression of Dr.
We have seen how this second peril actually confronted the Liberal Ministry in the form of the Newcastle Programme, and how it was met by muzzling the Council of the National Liberal Federation.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "muzzling" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.