Perhaps harmony is the power of perceiving harmony, as afterwards, Musickin the soul is the quality of being moved with concord of sweet sounds.
My mirth it much displeas'd, but pleas'd my woe] Though the musick soothed my sorrows, it had no tendency to produce light merriment.
XL This marriage being solemnized then, With musickperformed by the skilfullest men, The nobles and gentles sat down at that tide, Each one admiring the beautiful bride.
What sweete musick Was that at the back gate hath cald mee upp Somwhat before my hower?
The Songs were set in Musick by Mr. Henry Lawes, Gentleman of the King's Chappel, and one of His Majestie's Private Musick.
The Songs were set in musick by Mr. Henry Lawes, &c.
Now his elder son was in the field: and as he came and drew nigh to the house, he heard musick and dancing.
Then the king went to his palace, and passed the night fasting: neither were instruments of musick brought before him: and his sleep went from him.
All this while the Play-house Musick improved Yearly, and is now arrived to greater Perfection than ever I knew it.
Minstrils gin to shrill aloud Their merry Musick that resounds from far, The pipe, the tabor, and the trembling Croud, That well agree withouten breach or jar.
For joy the birds with boulden throats Against his visage sheen Take up their kindly musick notes In woods and gardens green.
Musick playing at the same Time, they prick him with those Instuments; this usually lasts for 10 or 12 Minutes, which is as long as the miserable Man can support himself.
Ennyboddy who loves musick az much az yu say you do, don't want enny other kind ov oats.
Once in a while, in them daze, the schoolmarm, in lifting me up off from the bench by the ears tew see how heavy i waz, would start the musickout of me.
I suppose if i had the right kind ov taste for gorgous vittles, this kind ov musick would eat me good.
I don't kno one note from another, unless it iz a bank-note, and i never had enny ear for musick since i waz a boy.
Methink you be very fine, you can no quicker get you hence, Without such large and great expence, of Sugar'd Sops and Musick to dine.
There's nothing there but holy-days, with musick out of measure; Who can forbear to speak the praise of such a land of pleasure?
In short, our English Musick is quite rooted out, and nothing yet planted in its stead.
If we would be entertained with Musickand the Melody of Sounds, the Consort rises upon our Wish, and the whole Region about us is filled with Harmony.
Thus any continued Sound, as the Musickof Birds, or a Fall of Water, awakens every moment the Mind of the Beholder, and makes him more attentive to the several Beauties of the Place that lye before him.
The Musick of the French is indeed very properly adapted to their Pronunciation and Accent, as their whole Opera wonderfully favours the Genius of such a gay airy People.
Musick among those who were styled the chosen People was a Religious Art.
By this means I have always the Musick of the Season in its Perfection, and am highly delighted to see the Jay or the Thrush hopping about my Walks, and shooting before my Eye across the several little Glades and Alleys that I pass thro'.
I had been often told that the Rock before me was the Haunt of a Genius; and that several had been entertained with Musick who had passed by it, but never heard that the Musician had before made himself visible.
There were several young Men and Women, whose Limbs seemed to have no other Motion, but purely what the Musick gave them.
For this Reason, the Recitative Musick in every Language, should be as different as the Tone or Accent of each Language; for otherwise, what may properly express a Passion in one Language, will not do it in another.
What crowns all is the Cadet company, being perfectly compleat and under the best order you can conceive of, with a band of musick likewise, that perform admirably well.
What, said the Empress, would they condemn me for preferring a natural Face before a Sign-post; or a natural Humour before an artificial Dance; or Musick before a true and profitable Relation?
Here was a great press of people; but I did not see many pleased with it, only the instrumental musick he had brought by practice to play very just.
And by and by comes musick to play to me, extraordinary good as ever I heard at London almost any where: 5s.
Which I acknowledge; but it is because that the girl do take musick mighty readily, and she do not, and musick is the thing of the world that I love most, and all the pleasure almost that I can now take.
But I plainly discern the musick is the better, by how much the house the emptier.
What Princes Quire of Musick can excel That which within this Shade does dwell?
In the Preface to this publication it is claimed that "The Musick was composed and both the Vocal and Instrumental is exercised by the most transcendent of England in that Art.
Anthony Wood tells us "he was bred up tomusick under Thomas Tallis," and the eminent Church musician was god-father to Byrd's son Thomas.
Matthew Locke replied to this in a treatise entitled The Present Practice of Musick vindicated against the exceptions and new way of attaining music lately published by Thomas Salmon, M.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "musick" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.