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Example sentences for "murderess"

Lexicographically close words:
murals; murder; murdered; murderer; murderers; murdering; murderous; murderously; murders; murdher
  1. Then Rakotobe's grandmother and other relations were slain by Ranavalona's orders, and thus the murderess waded through blood to the throne of Madagascar!

  2. My Rafaravavy is in danger, and I must save her from this murderess at all hazards.

  3. All effortless thou leave Earth's common weal A prey to the thron'd Murderess of Mankind!

  4. And not only this," he added, "but she approached Lolita secretly and made large requests, threatening that if they were not complied with she would denounce her as the murderess of poor Randolph Glover at San Remo!

  5. The murderess sat motionless in the corner of the room, appalled by her own deed.

  6. I presume from your words that your wife has denounced your sister, Lady Lolita, as the murderess of young Hugh Wingfield in your park, and has also laid certain other charges against that lady?

  7. The novelist who would turn loose upon society an insane murderess could not escape condemnation.

  8. Mrs. Franklin the murderess of her husband!

  9. And without casting one look at the ghastly corpse, or the swooning murderess upon the floor, he rushed from the house, and fled rapidly from it, as though it were the abode of the pestilence.

  10. But, by his infernal means, I have become a murderess and an outcast--perhaps doomed to swing upon the scaffold!

  11. I listened--Josephine the murderess of her father!

  12. The assassin of Berkenhead may well be the murderess of Hansford," said Bernard.

  13. The dainty lap-dog and the elegant young lady are among the occupants of the premises on which not many years ago a woman lay strangled, and from which a murderess fled.

  14. There is always a large section of the public that retains its interest in a condemned murderer or murderess right up to the morning of execution.

  15. In the dingy lodging-houses of the side streets of Soho the French murderer and murderess may be leading quiet and simple lives while the Parisian police are searching for them through the length and breadth of France.

  16. The murderer and the murderess do not as a rule go about allowing their features to express their guilt.

  17. The murderess was arrested some time afterwards in Paris, was brought to London, tried, found guilty, condemned, and respited.

  18. She had been the foundress of Baal- and Asherah-worship; she was the murderess of the prophets; she had been specially marked out for vengeance in the doom pronounced both by Elijah and Elisha.

  19. We see the child Joash standing with the high priest in the Temple amid the blast of trumpets, while the alien murderess is pushed out and hewn to the ground.

  20. Down--down the horrible descent she glided until the lurid flames hid her from view, and then, with a mighty splash, the beautiful murderess plunged into the rushing stream.

  21. We are ready to start now, tell the rest of your companions to fall in line, and be sure to go with us to see the vile murderess take her death ride into the Devil’s Kingdom!

  22. I did not dare to answer it, such was my dread of being stopped by some murderess lurking in the gnarled and stunted trees.

  23. A murderess at heart, miss, that's what she is.

  24. Whilst still repudiating the idea of being a murderess in intent, she pleaded guilty to great deceit, and to having obtained money under false pretences.

  25. Though she constantly persisted in saying she was not a murderess in intent, she was yet brought to see her past conduct in its true light; and on the previous Saturday received the Holy Communion in her cell with one of her brothers.

  26. No, but the only murderess I ever knew looked like one of Raphael's Madonnas.

  27. Yes, Mrs. Beaufort—that lady to whom you have devoted yourself, is the murderess of poor Lydia Hutchinson!

  28. No:—although your hands be imbrued with the blood of my brother, I would not become a murderess because you are a murderer.

  29. Was I, then, the murderess of my poor father and my noble-hearted brother?

  30. More, she could not rid herself of the remembrance of the scorn and loathing with which the Prince Aziel had looked upon her, or of the bitter insult of his words when he called her, "a girl of the groves, and a murderess of children.

  31. Away with you, woman," answered Aziel; "what have I to do with a girl of the groves and a murderess of children?

  32. The idea that a murderess in jail, awaiting her trial, should be painting pictures, reading poetry and playing the guitar surpasses my comprehension.

  33. This man had treated me like a murderess from the very first minute of the Instruction, and had tortured me as those two journalists had one night, only more relentlessly, and with greater persistence.

  34. But they mostly pointed to me as the murderess of Felix Faure, although in very cautious and veiled terms, and without ever giving my name.

  35. A murderess no doubt but even if a murderess thinks you did her a good turn when you didn't it makes you feel like a snake's a high-class animal beside you.

  36. Mr. Naz, you were his friend, surely, surely you will not rest till his murderess is found and punished?

  37. The murderess of the Bees is of a chilly constitution; in our parts, she hardly ever moves away from the olive- districts.

  38. The murderess now sucks the victim's blood at her ease and, when she has done, scornfully flings the drained corpse aside.

  39. As the murderess and her accomplice alone seem to have been aware of his return on that fateful night, this would be the natural opinion of the world.

  40. Elsie, the maid, comes close behind him, and together they bind the would-be murderess with strong cords that prevent her attempted escape.

  41. Such was the new worship with which the dark murderess insulted the faith in Jehovah.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "murderess" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.