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Example sentences for "much need"

  • Wherefore they have as much need of an advocate as have the youngest and most feeble of the flock.

  • In a world of so much need of labor, we could not be allowed to be of so little use to mankind.

  • You are right; for he can give me what I so much need-moral strength.

  • Baillie writes to him affectionately on the 4th of August, "to restore you to health, and continue your service a time: we never had so much need of you as now.

  • These donations came in today, after I had twice given myself especially to prayer for means, as we are now in so much need.

  • Today, in much need, was received from Glasgow 10l.

  • These acute and subtle sophisters, so much honoured, have as much need of hellebore as others.

  • When he realised that he ought to say something, Mr Cavendish felt that he had as much need to wipe his forehead as ever the Archdeacon had.

  • Lucilla's heart beat quicker, and she put down her tea, though she had so much need of it.

  • But it was not pleasant to receive so little sympathy himself when he had so much need of giving and receiving.

  • He had so much need of being loved that an affectionate word was enough to disarm his rancor.

  • A child has so much need of an object of admiration!

  • And this punishment they would no doubt have carried out, but for the two newspapers and four booksellers, who stood in so much need of his virgin goodness that they refused to part with him even for a day.

  • And as I stand in much need of food and raiment, draw near that I may commend myself to you ;" spoke the general.

  • And as if to show his contempt for one who had no alms to give, the knave threw me a shilling, which he advised me to spend for the washing of my linen, which he saw stood in much need of it.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "much need" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    much attention; much beauty; much compressed; much desired; much detail; much discussion; much earlier; much else; much employed; much evil; much food; much gold; much heat; much importance; much injury; much length; much lower; much said; much salt; much shorter; much sorrow; much suffering; much treasure; much trouble; much value; sign from