I went from her full of Pleasure at the Reflection that I had the keeping of so much Beauty in a Woman, who, as she was too heedless to please me, was also too inattentive to form a Design to wrong me.
Ben Johnson's lines were: 'Underneath this stone doth lie, As much Beauty as could die, Which in Life did Harbour give To more Virture than doth live.
Underneath this Stone doth lie As much Virtue as cou'd die, Which when alive did Vigour give To as much Beauty as cou'd live.
There are a great many of much beauty, and a brief selection is necessarily incomplete.
By their help we can not only extend the Crocus season, so as to have flowers in autumn and winter as well as in spring, but they will also give us new colours and markings of much beauty.
There are also yellow-spotted forms which are of much beauty, and one of these seems to be the true carpaticum.
I was, however, really desirous myself to know what had brought so much beauty to misfortune.
Tis already said her guards will now be transferred to your ladyship, together with a detachment from each ship of the Fleet, to secure so much beauty.
Her Grace had diamonds plastered on wherever they would stick, and all the people of quality run mad to have a stare at so much beauty, set off with as much glare as Vauxhall on a fĂȘte night, and she as demure as a cat after chickens.
There was so much beauty, so much more than enough for every one, that it did appear to be a vain activity to try and make a corner in it.
The mask of the latter dropped, as if ashamed to conceal so much beauty.
He replied, he could not but acknowledge that it was a trouble to him to be the instrument of depriving the company of the sight of so much beauty.
Long we lingered in the sunlight, loath to leave so much beauty, but at last we began the descent leisurely.
I was within this Half-Year in the Possession of as much Beauty and as many Lovers as any young Lady in England.
Then follow several scenes of much beauty, which conduct us through Switzerland into Italy.
I could not have conceived that so much beauty could be drawn from what appeared to me the most commonplace of all suburban gardens.
Some of the spectators blessed the father and mother of that lovely creature; others praised Heaven that had endowed her with so much beauty.
Believe me, Signora, I am persuaded that these extraordinary events are about to have a fortunate conclusion; for Heaven can never permit so much beauty to endure permanent sorrow, nor suffer your chaste purposes to be frustrated.
I have not been so fortunate as ever before to have seen so much beauty.
I didn't know there was so much beauty in New York.
This way would take us to Little Bredy, a village which, of no interest in itself, has been made a scene of much beauty by the artificial widening of the little Bride just below its source as it passes through the grounds of Bridehead.
Much beauty had he, and little wit, but Cliges had greater store of both, just as fine gold surpasses copper, and yet more than I can say.
Never did God who fashioned her give to man a word that could express so much beauty, that there was not in her still more beauty.
To think that so much beauty, virtue and grace, along with greatness of lineage, will be subject to a Moorish enemy of God and our holy law, and it will be destroyed and fall into decay!
And whoever saw her in this way would recognize that she was like a maiden, and that she possessed as much beauty as can be found in this world.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "much beauty" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.