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Example sentences for "much taken"

  • Or are you going to write a novel, or a paper for the Society,--do tell me what you are so much taken up with.

  • The Reverend Chauncy Fairweather was too much taken up with his own bodily and spiritual condition to be deeply mindful of others.

  • During the next week or ten days Amethyst was so much taken up with her own family that the various introductions in the neighbourhood made very little impression on her.

  • Peterkin, who being of a very unobservant nature had been too much taken up with other things to notice anything so high above his head as the fruit of a palm tree.

  • Jack and I were surprised that we had not noticed this the first few days of our residence here, and could only account for it by our being so much taken up with the more obvious wonders of our novel situation.

  • But by degrees these thoughts left me, and I began to be much taken up again with the interesting peculiarities of the country which we were passing through.

  • He had expected more from the force collected on the Rio Grande, though, understanding the northern character better than most of his countrymen, he had not been as much taken by surprise as the great bulk of his own nation.

  • Women are not so much taken by beauty as men are, but prefer those men who show them the most attention.

  • I own your time is much taken up, and you have a great many different things to do; but remember that you had much better do half of them well and leave the other half undone, than do them all indifferently.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "much taken" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    legislative bodies; looking gentleman; much account; much amused; much attached; much better; much danger; much disturbed; much enlarged; much excited; much fatigued; much heat; much honour; much hurt; much mischief; much people; much pleased; much reason; much right; much snow; much sorrow; much suffering; much sugar; much that; much time; much troubled