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Example sentences for "move the"

  • An equal number of cords are then attached to the cross stick and to another loose cross stick which is used to move the cords up and down while the grass or moss is placed in for the woof.

  • The acid should not touch the hands so it is best to use a stick to move the cloth.

  • Move the nail N to the next punch mark and repeat.

  • The order for debarkation came while General Sherman was absent with three brigades, and no men are left to move the effects of these brigades.

  • An Archimedean lever had been found at last with which to move the world.

  • Locks of various kinds, consisting at least of the two general features of a bolt and a key to move the bolt, have existed from very ancient days.

  • Robinson, urging him to use every effort to move the citizens of Lawrence to bring the assassin to justice, as his act would be charged by the pro-slavery men upon the whole community.

  • When the House took up its bill for consideration, on February 1st, Mr. Wilmot immediately asked permission to move the attachment of his proviso to the appropriation, and made a strong argument in favor of the same.

  • Mr. McDuffie made another effort to move the House to consider a reduction of duties, in the form of an amendment to this bill.

  • Mr. James Barbour, of Virginia, immediately gave notice of his intention to move the connection of the two subjects in the same bill, and on the same terms.

  • Complaint is a speech seeking to move the pity of the hearers.

  • Move the fingers of both hands forward and backward.

  • Half close the fingers of the right hand, hook the thumb over the fore and middle fingers; move the hand, back upward, a foot or so toward the object referred to, and suddenly let the fingers fly open.

  • Deaf-mute natural sign: Move the finger to and fro several times toward the person to whom the one is speaking.

  • Move the fist, thumb to the head, across the forehead from right to left, and cast it toward the earth over the left shoulder.

  • Now those things are said to be seen which, of themselves, move the intellect or the senses to knowledge of them.

  • Secondly, in order to move the affections, so that a man willingly hearkens to the word of God.

  • To fire right, move the peep-hole to the right; to fire left, move the peep-hole to the left.

  • Turn the pinion on the gun-arm to move the scale of the range correction-device until 2150 is set.

  • Move the gun-arm up to the intersecting edge of the targ, and read the range from the scale on the gun-arm.

  • In all you write, observe with care and art To move the passions, and incline the heart.

  • The treaty between the Dutch and the Mohawks was renewed, but neither money nor diplomacy could move the chiefs to deliver up the prisoners, whose importance they began now to perceive from the effort made for their release.

  • To single men, careful of small change, it was a problem how to move the box or trunk in one direction and yet secure the safety of the other articles while doing so.

  • In making another effort to move the bark he seemed to be gifted with renewed strength, and soon the boat was afloat, and thus he succeeded alone in reaching the vessel.

  • Reasonably, in its depths are found vapors full of spirit, which they say being borne outward move the air; when they are restrained, they swell up and break violently forth.

  • It shook not alone the country, it shook the world; but that was nothing to us; our orders were simply to move the wheat.

  • I felt uncomfortable; but we had determined to move the silk: there was nothing more to be said.

  • Dear Lord Hartington,--I hope you will not think me officious or presumptuous if I venture to urge upon you my views of the enormous desirability of your giving notice to-morrow of your intention to move the rejection of the Bill.

  • He anticipates great difficulty with Chamberlain, because it appears now that he wants himself to move the adjournment on Thursday night, and that he may cut up very rough if again interfered with.

  • Immediately Parliament assembled, Lord John Russell--backed by many petitions from the Nonconformists--gave notice that on February 26 it was his intention to move the repeal of the Test and Corporation Acts.

  • Bismarck was beginning to move the pawns on the chess-board of Europe.

  • Each time we move the slider we get a new pair of values for volts and amperes.

  • Next we move the clip so as to make the grid as positive as one battery will make it, that is we move the clip to a in Fig.

  • Now let us move the slider, first to a and then back to b and so on, back and forth.

  • Illustration: Fig 15] If we move the end of the wire from b to d the pointer will take a new position.

  • On several occasions where the craniotomy forceps and crotchet have failed to move the head, the midwifery forceps has been applied, and the delivery easily and quickly accomplished.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "move the" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    anchovy paste; bitter grief; brought against; half tablespoons; las cosas; long talk; minute later; move about; move against; move away; move forward; move from; move quickly; move rapidly; move slowly; move them; moved away; moved forward; moved over; moved tones; must acknowledge; shall cause; stand thou; still holding; une petite; woman suffrage