This preference seems to have grown out of a desire to duplicate the craggy mountainsides so often seen in Sung landscape paintings.
The mountainsides vary with the seasons, being lush and sensuous in spring, verdant and moist in summer, crisp and ripe in autumn, and austerely bare in winter.
Its main business was freighting and transportation for the many mines such as the Saratoga and Silver Belle, dotting the mountainsides above it.
Mixed in with the silver ore found in the mines on the mountainsides to the west, was a little placer gold flecked through the sand of the long meadow.
The valley here was rather larger than at the lake below, and there was a wide, level amphitheater, walled in on three sides by the great cliff and by mountainsides that were almost as steep as the cliff.
A warm breeze blew down the valley from the westward, and as they watched the mountainsides above them, the boys thought that they could see the dark patches not covered by snow increase in size as they looked at them.
By what means the thousands and thousands of tons of rock and brick were ever carried up the sheer steep mountainsides is a question that must excite every traveller's wonder.
Where there was once a slanting hillside the Japanese here dig it down or grade it, and the mountainsides are often enormous steps or {25} stairs; one level terrace after another, each held in place by turf or rock wall.
Under the mild, humid climate that prevails, more especially from the vicinity of the Susquehanna River southward, the rocks are deeply disintegrated and decayed, and even steep mountainsides are mantled with soil and rock debris.
It is found from an elevation of about 2,000 feet above the sea up the mountainsides nearly to timber-line, and flourishes alike in the hot, arid valleys and in regions bordering on perpetual snow and ice.
The mountainsides were barren of food for big flying things.
At the edge of the plateau where the cloud-bank lay below, the mountainsides seemed to descend into a sea of milk.
We were actually carried down the mountainsides by the water, and how it failed to drown us will be an everlasting mystery.
With my field-glasses I saw some fairly heavy timber on the mountainsides inland.
Its shores were well wooded, and we could see several fine streams as they made their way swiftly down the mountainsides to the waters of the bay.
In sheltered and well-drained valleys and mountainsides the trees grew larger and even forests began to appear.
The White Pass Railway has an average grade of three per cent, and it ascends with gradual, splendid sweeps around mountainsides and projecting cliffs.
The road is built on mountainsides so precipitous that men were suspended from the heights above by ropes, to prevent disaster while cutting grades.
Alvin with the mountainsides as his playground grew sturdy and resolute.
He was given his full supply of corn in winter and granted the freedom of the meadows and the mountainsides in summer.
It grows on dry mountainsides and is very variable both as to flower and foliage and much smaller at great altitudes, the whole plant being not more than an inch high.
When thickets of this shrub are in bloom on mountainsides the effect is very pretty, especially in Utah, where the shrubs are more compact and the flowers less straggling than in Yosemite, giving at a distance much the effect of Hawthorn.
This shrub is a beautiful sight when in flower and sometimes covers the mountainsides with drifts of snowy bloom, filling the air with delicate perfume.
Any but relatively very minor explosions rarely, if ever, occur, the product of such volcanoes being almost wholly lava, which flows down the mountainsides in molten streams.
From the Gulf of Guayaquil to Panama the coast and mountainsides are covered with luxuriant vegetation and the ascent of the passes becomes well-nigh impracticable.
At the edge of the plateau--from which the cloud-banks were down instead of up--the mountainsides seemed to descend into a sea of milk.
I have seen the mountainsidesliterally aglow with a thousand fires in celebration of a Christian festival that has its roots in the pagan ceremony in honor of Mihr.
Finding the material with which to make a boat was an easy task, for many great trees grew on the mountainsides of their lands.
The older girls and boys go out to longer mountainsides for their practice.
Growing on the mountainsides about Tosari are many bushes of thorn apple, called Datara alba, their white, funnel-shaped flowers being sometimes twelve inches long.
For man's wooden plough is a crooked stick made from the branches of a tree while the winds use the whole tree--roots and all, and both on mountainsides and on level lands the amount of ploughing they do is immense.
Why is it that, with the exception of a straggler here and there, the first trees to climb the stonymountainsides are the pines?
The greater portion of the mountainsides are covered, from the water's edge upwards to the elevation of 1500 feet, by one wide-extending forest of evergreen beeches.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mountainsides" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.