Negus may also be made of sherry, or any other sweet white wine, but is more usually made of port than of any other beverage.
Various dishes are frequently ornamented and garnished with its graceful leaves, and these are sometimes boiled in soups, although it is more usually confined, in English cookery, to the mackerel sauce as here given.
As this beverage is more usually drunk at children's parties than at any other, the wine need not be very old or expensive for the purpose, a new fruity wine answering very well for it.
Other numbers are quite permissible, but the number of points (more usually in an estoile termed "rays") must be stated.
These have been identified either with the hospitium or with the abbot's house, but they occupy the position in which the infirmary is more usually found.
But if, as it more usually happens, she is successful in accomplishing this, the pursuer in turn takes the handkerchief, and the game proceeds as before.
The game is more usually played by one boy striking his opponent's nut with his own, both boys standing and holding the string in their hands.
More usually, however, as menstrual period after menstrual period recurs, without the natural interruption of pregnancy, the feeling abates, and gives place to sensations of discomfort or pain.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "more usually" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.