Water is cold, and sulphuric acid is cold; but if these two cold liquids be mixed together, they will produce boiling heat.
The air itself is composed of two gases (nitrogen and oxygen) mixed together.
Principally of two gases, oxygen and nitrogen; mixed together in the following proportion: viz.
Make a good brine of salt and water, sufficiently strong to bear an egg; boil and skim it clean, and when quite cold rub the meat with sal prunella and saltpetre mixed together.
One tablespoonful of flour, one ditto of brandy, one ditto of loaf sugar, mixed together.
Dip your hands in warm water, and rub on the stain a small portion of oxalic acid powder and cream of tartar, mixed together in equal quantities.
When the different colored rays are mixed together, either by recomposition, or by getting each color by a separate Spectrum, the result will be white light.
The above ingredients should be mixed together in a jar, and set in the sun by the first of July, tied up close, with a block over each jar to keep out the rain.
Boil this stock down to half a pint; thicken with one teaspoonful of butter and one teaspoonful of flour, mixed together.
Prepare a heaped teaspoonful of powdered spice; nutmeg, mace, and cinnamon, mixed together.
Equal parts of glycerin, soft soap, and cherry-laurel water, mixed together.
From equal parts of pitch, resin, and plaster of Paris (thoroughly dried), mixed together.
Hawthorn leaves dried, and one third of balm and sage, mixed together, will make a wholesome and strengthening drink.
A tincture for the gums may be made of three ounces of the tincture of bark, and half an ounce of sal ammoniac, mixed together.
Choose a small leg of fine young pork, cut a slit in the knuckle with a sharp knife, fill the space with chopped sage and onion, mixed together with a little pepper and salt.
The reason probably is, that, in such minerals, the particles of iron and sulphur are not intimately mixed together, but separated by some earthy particles.
If equal parts of nitre and Antimony be mixed together, and the mixture exposed to the action of fire, a violent detonation ensues; the nitre deflagrating consumes the sulphur of the Antimony, and even a part of its phlogiston.
So that if a very small quantity of Acid and Oil be mixed together, there will be but a very small quantity of friction, and consequently a very small quantity of heat; and in that case no inflammation.
If equivalent amounts of Glauber's salt and magnesium sulphate be mixed together in a solid state, there is no change at temperatures below 22°, but at higher temperatures astrakhanite and water are formed.
Nag-áhug ang gátas ug harína, The flour and the milk are mixed together.
Nagkasáhug ang asúkar ug asin, The sugar and the salt got mixed together.
Three parts of nitre, one part of sulphur, and one part of sawdust, mixed together, form the powder of fusion.
Boiled linseed oil and red lead mixed together into a putty are often used by coppersmiths and engineers, to secure joints.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mixed together" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.