Its composition is so peculiar that it is difficult to tell what part of the statement is Slack's or Kelly's and what is Colonel Smith's, and therefore I do not know whom to hold responsible for the misstatements contained in it.
Though an excellent linguist, he deems it his first duty to refute historical misstatements and to expose without mercy the errors of modern Protestant historians.
A note says that Murray had been much shocked by Byron's misstatements to Medwin as to money-matters with him.
They were so full of falsehoods and misstatements as to astonish me.
So on the authoress goes, sowing right and left the most transparent absurdities and misstatements with what Carlyle well calls 'a composed stupidity, and a cheerful infinitude of ignorance.
One condemned his style, another his Whig partialities, another his boundless optimism, and another his errors of judgment or alleged misstatements of facts.
He wrote a series of articles on Thomas a Becket, but the numerous mistakes and misstatements brought down on him once again the strictures of Mr Freeman.
Later I call attention to certain of his misstatements concerning the wild peoples of the Philippines, and correct them.
I have not counted the misstatementsof this author.
Some extraordinary misstatements have been made as to Manila's position with reference to main lines of travel and to markets.
I have corrected various misstatements of writers which, repeated by one from another, have come to be received as truth.
A comparison between the first and second edition of Gill's "Life of Poe" affords a curious study, since in the second he has carefully corrected the misstatements of the former from my manuscript.
It aims to justify the closing of the laboratory to all investigations whatever, and it attempts to do this by misstatements regarding historical facts.
The complete refutation of all such misstatements regarding the effect of the English law will be found elsewhere.
There are journals, so closely related, apparently, to laboratory interests, that they do not permit correction of editorial misstatementsor mistake to appear in their columns, even when such blunders are pointed out.
Lady Burton's account of the inception and progress of the work and Burton's own story in the Translator's Foreword (which precedes his first volume) bristle with misstatements and inaccuracies.
On recovering his calmness, Burton expressed his opinion, and afterwards circulated it, that Speke had committed suicide in order to avoid "the exposure of his misstatements in regard to the Nile sources.
Ought not those preposterous misstatements open the eyes of the public to the real character, and motive, of those men?
To confirm the judgment I have expressed of Timaeus, on his wilful misstatements as well as his ignorance, I shall now quote certain short passages from his acknowledged works as specimens.
It checks all claims that seem doubtful, however, and uses its best endeavors to secure correction of misstatements with regard to proprietary remedies and improvement in the quality of these products.
These, two letters provoked a shower of rejoinders, in which, according to Cooper, misstatements were mingled with scurrility.
Most of the failures are due to misstatements as to size, shape, or color, but occasionally one meets a bizarre answer.
These are mostly misstatements of facts; as: "Fly is bigger.
The two most frequent types of failures are misstatements regarding color and thickness.
In reply the agent submitted evidence which showed that he was not responsible for the misstatements about Dioradin but offered no facts that affected the Council’s findings.
When he went home he published a book filled with deliberate misstatements and willful exaggerations of the traits of the American people.
The misstatements of Niles in his "Weekly Register" about the British are quite as flagrant, and his information about his own side even more valuable.
But the most glaring and least excusable misstatements are made as to the battle of Lake Champlain, where he gives the American as greatly exceeding the British force.
One of James' most comical misstatements is that on the lakes the American sailors were all "picked men.
So that on both sides there were some intentional misstatements or garblings, and a much more numerous class of simple blunders, arising largely from an incapacity for seeing more than one side of the question.
Westcott, with some minuteness in their discussion of my treatment of the Ignatian Epistles, and once for all to show the grave misstatements to which they commit themselves.
Ryerson, while Editor of the Guardian, to correct misstatements which were made in regard to His Excellency's proceedings.
I asked Mr. Cassidy if he would allow me the use of the letters which Mr. Bidwell had enclosed to him, justifying his own innocence, and showing the injustice done him by the misstatements of Sir F.
With a view to correct the misstatements made in regard to the Methodists in Canada, and to set forth their just rights, Dr.
We must remember that misstatements constantly reiterated, and seldom answered, will assuredly be believed.
The misstatements and contradictions with which he has been charged, he has not noticed.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "misstatements" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.