The germ-plasm, on the other hand, can only be present in minute quantity at first, but it must undergo considerable increase during the growth of the cell.
It follows from these several facts that a solution of curare induces a very moderate degree of inflection, and this may perhaps be due to the presence of a minute quantity of albumen.
They contain a minute quantity of extractive matter which is not present in other apples.
Sometimes a little nitric acid is added to the solution of the coloured crystals, for the purpose of bleaching them, but in this way a minute quantity of oxalic acid is formed.
That a minute quantity of iron is dissolved by the carbonic acid contained in the water, ferrous bicarbonate being formed.
The rose-colour, which sometimes supervenes, is due to a minute quantityof manganese.
It consists of sulphur, 13; lead, 85; with a little iron, and sometimes a minute quantity of silver.
The yellow dust of hops contains, moreover, traces of a fatty matter, gum, a small quantity of an azotised substance, and several saline combinations in minute quantity.
For this purpose, a minute quantityof the substance is placed upon the heart of a frog: in presence of the alkaloid, the pulsations are immediately retarded, or even arrested.
If it is evaporated, a residue containing the colchicine, digitaline and traces of atropine (mixed possibly with a minute quantity of picrotoxine, which is here left out of consideration) is obtained.
When, however, only a minute quantityof mercury is present, and this has been absorbed, its detection is more difficult.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "minute quantity" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.