Stir in a piece of butter half the size of an egg, and a table-spoonful of flour wet smooth in cold milk; then add three eggs well beaten, and boil it half a minute more.
Set it off before it becomes very thick, and continue to stir it a minute more.
Boil it till the sago and apple are perfectly mixed, then add a large spoonful of white sugar, and boil it a minute more.
Add the starch and a little salt first; then the eggs, and boil the whole a minute more.
In a minute more, there came within my range of view a solitary old man, mounted on a rough pony.
In a minute more, they were out of sight of the house.
In a minute more, she and Mrs. Ellmother were on their way to join Mirabel at the station.
If the work of rescue had been prolonged for even a minute more, it would have been too late, and Tom would have been burned to a crisp.
Half a minute more, and she had softly ascended a dozen steps of the stairs, and descended again with plenty of noise, springing down with a decided bump on the landing.
Half a minute more, however, and it might as well be the proverbial "needle in the hay-stack" for any chance they would have of finding it again.
In a minute more, not two men, but dozens, were engaged in a fist-fight, not a weapon being used.
Neither of us delayed in answering her summons, and in a minute more we were seated near her.
In a moment my calmness and self-control were gone, and in a minute more we were engaged in a hand-to-hand fight.
Step by step I walked, then my foot went into space, and in a minute more I fell bound into the deep sea, hearing the savage yell of the pirate crew as I did so!
Then a human head became visible, and in a minute more a tall Apache warrior was stalking around the spring as if he were trying to find anything which the pale-faces might have left behind them.
He then took from an inner pocket a case of wax-matches, and in half a minute more he handed Wah-wah-o-be a blazing bunch of what to her was comfort.
Nearly a score of long-eared fellows knew, in half a minute more, why they were trying to reach the woods ahead of the horses.
In a minute more Geoffrey's voice was heard in the passage, and Geoffrey's heavy step ascended the wooden stairs.
In less than a minute more Blanche's quick ear caught the faint sound of a woman's dress brushing over the lawn.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "minute more" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.