Here the men and the women do go with a cloth bound about their middles without any more apparell.
Ye dress yoursel’ in the red scarlet, An’ your marys in dainty green, An’ ye pit girdles about your middles Woud buy an earldome.
Her marys i’ dainty green, And they pat girdles about theirmiddles Woud buy an earldome.
Seventeen 'ours we were in the trench, under fire all the time, with water up to our middles and nothing to eat.
They bent forward under the weight of their knapsacks and blanket rolls; and their middles were bulky with cartridge belts, and bulging pockets covered their flanks.
On this the Spaniards closed with them, being obliged to wade up to their middles in the water, but succeeded in rescuing the boat and putting the Indians to flight, Alaminos being wounded in the throat during the fight.
They are made of slips of withy, twisted and doubled in their middles and pointed at their ends; the runners are long straight slips of the same.
The eight intermediate rafters, E, rest at the bottom on the middles of the side plates, and at top are cut to fit upon and between the tops of the main rafters.
As drawn, they are of halved stuff; the corner ones are so placed that their middles come opposite to the corners of the posts, on the other faces of which pieces of quartered stuff are nailed to meet them.
On the side towards me the frontals and middles were good, the tops poor, but stags were scarce, and hoping for the best I dropped him with one shot.
The glass showed that though he had good tops, both middles and frontals were very poor, so we decided to leave him and go back to the first stag.
The head was a pretty open one, but the middles and frontals were poor, so we left him alone.
The middles are going to get even with the normals and have just begun fighting.
There were about fifty to sixty normals, and the middles numbered by some ninety.
The normals wore uniform, but the middles had discarded their uniform and put on Japanese civilian clothes, which made the distinction between the two hostile camps easy.
It abounds in very many beautiful alluvial valleys, which, when I first crossed, had grass that rose above the horses middles as they walked through it, and looked luxuriant beyond description.
The people of this kingdom are black men and go naked, for they only cover their middles with cotton cloths.
They are men of war, and some of them are merchants: their women go naked as long as they are girls, only covering their middles with cotton cloths, and when they are married and have children, they wear other cloths over their breasts.
The inhabitants go naked, covering only their middles with cotton cloths.
On Friday morning one of the Keysers was walking down on the river-bank, and he saw a man who looked very much like Mr. Middles sitting up in a canoe out in the stream fishing.
She dressd hersel i the red scarlet, Her marys i dainty green, And they pat girdles about their middles Woud buy an earldome.
Ye dress yoursel in the red scarlet, An your marys in dainty green, An ye pit girdles about your middles Woud buy an earldome.
There's ane o them dressd in red scarlet, And twa in dainty green, An they hae girdles about their middles Woud buy an earldome.
The rest was a mere rain of pencil-lines, momentary false middles that apparently he had tried to seize in passing.
In front of us was gathered the main body of the Khania's army, massed by regiments upon the further bank, while hundreds of picked men stood up to their middles in the water, waiting to spear or hamstring our horses as we advanced.
Also we strapped our big hunting knives about our middles and armed ourselves with short spears that were made for the stabbing of game.
You may judge of our situation, subject to almost incessant rains, without baggage or tents and almost without victuals or drink, and in some part of the lines the men were standing up to their middles in water.
The Uppers, true enough, had opulence far beyond that known by the Middles and lived like Gods compared to the Lowers.
I'm hoping that he'll go in for the Middles and let me take the Light-Weights.
So then in the time of the Argonautic Expedition, the Cardinal points of the Equinoxes and Solstices were in the middles of the Constellations of Aries, Cancer, Chelæ, and Capricorn.
This plaited grass they tie, too, round theirmiddles for a belt or pouch, beneath which, as they walk, their long lean tails descend.
For the second irrigation furrows are opened in the middles that were not opened at the first irrigation, and this alternation is continued for succeeding irrigations.
It was not fair fight nor combat with one they vouchsafed him, but at one and the same time the twelve men fell upon him [3]so that their spears sank up to their middles into his shield.
Cuchulain played the edge-feat with his shield, so that all the spears sank up to their middles into the shield.
This practice of leaving themiddles interferes with proper harrowing and after-cultivation.
These people shewed us the way to their town, to which we had to wade up to our middles through a lake of fresh water by which it was surrounded.
I and several other soldiers were at this time up to our middles in the water, engaging the enemy in defence of a brigantine which had run aground, and of which the enemy were endeavouring to gain possession.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "middles" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.