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Example sentences for "mere means"

  • And education is not a mere means to such a life.

  • The mistake lies in making a separation between interest and self, and supposing that the latter is the end to which interest in objects and acts and others is a mere means.

  • The physical medium is reduced to a mere means of personal contact.

  • And such abstractness means remoteness, and throws us back, once more, upon teaching and learning as mere means of getting ready for an end disconnected from the means.

  • Just as the hedonists regard a special act as a mere means to happiness, so Kant makes the concrete act a mere means to virtue.

  • For the spirituality that is evolved here is treated for the most part as a mere means in the pursuit of human welfare.

  • For conduct changes its character completely according as it is regarded as a mere means, or as an end in itself; according as its aim is striven for directly or only indirectly.

  • Human beings, least of all, sustain the bare external relation of mere means to the great ideal aim.

  • Here the relation of mere means to an end disappears, and the chief bearings of this seeming difficulty in reference to the absolute aim of Spirit have been briefly considered.

  • To this order belongs that in them which we would exclude from the category of mere means--morality, ethics, religion.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mere means" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    cell wall; dans une; free love; guardian spirit; kindled against; loud talking; mere animal; mere appearance; mere coincidence; mere force; mere human; mere illusion; mere means; mere nature; mere negation; mere question; mere words; merely human; merely natural; merely nominal; merely the; more active; should suppose; tail black; this branch; thousand different