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Example sentences for "mentalities"

Lexicographically close words:
mensura; mensuration; ment; mentaire; mental; mentality; mentally; mentation; mente; mentem
  1. These influences have their inception in the mentalities of sentient beings who are doing the Father's work in the advancement of the races of men throughout the entire physical universe.

  2. Hence the turbulence of the elements originate, through the law of Vibration, deep down in the mentalities of those who make up the population of a planet.

  3. These improved methods of transportation and communication brought all of the mentalities of the world together, and soon all habitable parts of the globe were in daily and hourly contact.

  4. The things these mentalities have in common they will see and hear in common, but wherein they differ they will see and hear differently.

  5. As an argument this is nothing short of picturesque, and can be traced to those unique and professedly scientific mentalities that solve all vocal problems by a mathematical formula.

  6. I am a little more intuitive, a little falser, a little lightning-quicker than the most artistically antic mentalities I have known.

  7. In their mentalities there is nothing in common; the two classes do not speak the same language.

  8. From the commencement of the Revolution the struggle between contrary mentalities was plainly manifested.

  9. To create broad distinctions between the various mentalities observable in time of revolution, as we are about to do, is obviously to separate elements which encroach upon one another, which are fused or superimposed.

  10. The successive revolutions which France has suffered have been the consequences of struggles between two portions of the nation whose mentalities are different.

  11. Classification of mentalities predominant in time of Revolution 2.

  12. All ideas that have hitherto caused an upheaval of the world of men have been subject to two laws: they evolve slowly, and they completely change their sense according to the mentalities in which they find reception.

  13. He had to discover institutions which would suit the two mentalities into which France was divided.

  14. Classification of Mentalities predominant in Time of Revolution.

  15. Having in several chapters described the various mentalities which predominate in times of disturbance, we need not return to the subject now.

  16. They are formed in mentalities that are themselves wrong interpretations of the infinite Mentality, called God.

  17. For we know only what enters our mentalities and becomes active there.

  18. The reshaping of these mentalities and of the mentalities of all my coolies, were achievements, and valuable ones; but I wanted more.

  19. It would seem that such mentalities are distinguished from those of the ordinary type, not by their form, but by their "force.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mentalities" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.