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Example sentences for "melodramas"

Lexicographically close words:
melodious; melodiously; melodiousness; melodists; melodrama; melodramatic; melody; melodye; melon; melons
  1. I might have been prepared for them at such a place as this You know how the modern melodramas are made, Miss Craven?

  2. I will tell you how the melodramas are made," said Mr. Airey, refusing to be led up to Harold as a topic.

  3. Nine tenths of the plays are cheap melodramas or vulgar farces.

  4. He satisfies his business instinct by getting so much for his nickel, he enjoys his ragtime in the slapstick humor, and gratifies his sentimentality with the preposterous melodramas which fill the program.

  5. So now "burletta licenses" were issued, under cover of which melodramas were presented, with entertainments of music and dancing, spectacle and pantomime.

  6. Our melodramas were transplanted bodily; our comedies were coarsened and exaggerated into farces; sometimes even, that nothing might be lost, our operas were ground down into plays.

  7. Over and above the privileged theatres, there were a number of others, such as the Haymarket and the Adelphi, at which farces and melodramas were chiefly given.

  8. His occupation, when at last he began to get on, was that of proof-reader in a printing establishment, but he tried to add to his income by writing melodramas for the boulevard theatres in Turin.

  9. He fed the stage with melodramas and operas, and stuffed the closet reader with ballads and prose romances.

  10. He sought immediate success upon the stage, and the most successful plays of that period in France were the melodramas of Pixerecourt, and of his followers, and therefore Hugo sat himself down to spy out the secrets of their craft.

  11. In other words, the compounders of these melodramas were fairly skilful in devising plots likely to arouse and to sustain the interest of uncritical audiences.

  12. Even in the lower grade of playhouse, where rude and crude melodramas were performed, the method and the manner of the 'Miller and His Men' had long departed.

  13. They herald the glory and wrongs of the Hebrew people, and are badly constructed melodramas of conventional character.

  14. Latteiner is equally productive, but few of their plays are anything more than Yiddish adaptations of old operas and melodramas in other languages.

  15. No, certainly not as yet: the Vampire was one of the first melodramas I had come across.

  16. When Sarah Bernhardt left the Comédie Française, Sardou followed in her footsteps, and afterwards devoted most of his energy to preparing a series of melodramas to serve successively as vehicles for her.

  17. To this extreme credulity of the crowd is due the long line of plays that are founded on mistaken identity,--farces like The Comedy of Errors and melodramas like The Lyons Mail, for example.

  18. The success of the melodramas was universal and extraordinary.

  19. Footnote 40: A list of melodramas is given by Schletterer, Das Deutsche Singspiel, p.

  20. Notwithstanding their crass improbabilities, many melodramas of the better sort are interesting and not without occasional evidences of clumsy originality and crude strength.

  21. The melodramas she had witnessed at the Surrey Theatre were evidently true to nature.

  22. What do you mean," exclaimed Rousseau, "by telling such capital stories as that and yet amusing yourself by cribbing melodramas from Florian and tales from M.

  23. The melodramas were borrowed from novels too well known, from which plenty of melodramas had already been taken.

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "melodramas" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.