You think, because my life is rude I take no note of sweetness I tell you love has naught to do With meetness or unmeetness.
And surely it is unnecessary to prove here that salvation in the New Testament generally means a meetness for heaven or holiness.
May I see them all as designed to quicken my steps in the heavenly way, to bring me nearer Thyself, and to impart an increasing meetness for glory.
Lord, may every providential dealing prove a heart-searcher, testing the reality of my love to Thee, and my meetness and preparedness for Thy heavenly kingdom.
It is only those who have here acquired a meetness for the inheritance of the saints in light[100] who can enjoy its possession.
By such means alone can your character be gradually forming into "a meetness for the inheritance of the saints in light.
And what meetness is in setting the like of me in a chair that would well hold Charlemagne and his twelve Peers?
There is meetnessin all things," said the old lady, picking up her distaff.
Oh, what is home without a title to, and personal meetness for, that kingdom?
In a natural man there is no meetness, but a meetness to sin, and a meetness to be damned.
And indeed this is the safest way to judge of the meetness of persons by: for take away the confession of faith and holiness; and what can distinguish a Christian from a Turk?
Surely we should desire a meetness for our inheritance as well as a title to it.