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Example sentences for "meeteth"

Lexicographically close words:
meet; meete; meeter; meetes; meetest; meetin; meeting; meetinge; meetinghouse; meetings
  1. God, be discerning, and say not to every one who meeteth you with a greeting, "Thou art not a believer"18 in your greed after the chance good things of this present life!

  2. This riuer below the towne Cargapolia, meeteth with the Riuer Volock, that falleth into the Finland Sea by the towne Yama.

  3. That wicked person who, disregarding the lord of treasures, unlawfully attempteth to sport here, without doubt, meeteth with destruction.

  4. The exertions of that stupid person become fruitless, who is not conversant with the expediency regarding time and acts, and he meeteth with destruction both in this world and the next.

  5. And the husband that knoweth not his wife in her season meeteth with disgrace.

  6. The man that listeneth with reverence to the excellent story of Savitri, attaineth to happiness, and success in everything, and never meeteth with misery!

  7. That king alone can govern, who taketh counsel of experienced men, and is helped by honest, intelligent and learned ministers; but a king who is addicted to vices, meeteth with defeat.

  8. For she goeth about seeking such as are worthy of her, and she sheweth herself to them cheerfully in the ways, and meeteth them with all providence.

  9. And behold a woman meeteth him in harlot's attire, prepared to deceive souls: talkative and wandering, 7:11.

  10. A present remedy of all is the speedy coming of a cloud, and a dew that meeteth it, by the heat that cometh, shall overpower it.

  11. Let God's people think never the worse of religion because of the coarse entertainment it meeteth with in the world.

  12. Forloyneth: "When a hound meeteth a chase and goeth away with it far before the rest then we say he forloyneth" (Turber.

  13. And as often as he meeteth and findeth, or his hounds run on a fresh scent, do as before is said.

  14. Yet nevertheless if they be hart-hunters that seek a covert for the hare, and their hounds find a fox, whoso meeteth with him should blow out upon him to warn the fewterers[238] that there is a thief in the wood.

  15. I love her and she loveth me, and still We meet no more than green hill meeteth hill.

  16. Dusk is abroad on the grass of this valley amidst of the hill: Dusk that shall never be dark till the dawn hard on midnight shall fill The trench under Eyiafell's snow, and the grey plain the sea meeteth grey.

  17. The revenger of blood himself shall slay the murderer: when he meeteth him, he shall slay him.

  18. And he commanded the foremost, saying, When Esau my brother meeteth thee, and asketh thee, saying, Whose art thou?

  19. So Ralph mounted and took the spear in hand; and the sergeant said: "Thou art to run at whatsoever meeteth thee when thou hast heard the third blast of the horn.

  20. So also, O king, that Kshatriya who is not appeased when the time for forgiveness cometh, becometh unpopular with every creature and meeteth with destruction both in this and the other world!

  21. Bathing there, O king, one never meeteth with distress hereafter.

  22. O best of men, one that batheth here, never meeteth with distress hereafter and obtaineth also the merit of giving away four thousand kine.

  23. Destitute of virtue and wealth such a man, indulging in pleasure at will, at the expiration of his period of indulgence, meeteth with certain death, like a fish when the water in which it liveth hath been dried up.

  24. Beholding the goddess, one never meeteth with distress hereafter.

  25. The man of action in this world generally meeteth with success.

  26. Then God's just anger doth he earn, On earth he meeteth scoffs and scorn, His father's heart he filleth With pain that nothing stilleth.

  27. She meeteth Lancelot and saluteth him and maketh him right great joy, of semblant.

  28. He hath scarce gone far before he meeteth a knight that came all armed, as fast as his horse could carry him, spear in rest.

  29. And he seeth a high forest before him, and meeteth a squire that came from that quarter, and seeth that he is sore downcast and right simple.

  30. Messire Gawain presenteth himself on the one side and the other, but all of them avoid him, and he seeth that he maketh but an ill stay therewithin for himself, wherefore he departeth from the castle and meeteth a knight at the gate.

  31. Therewith he departeth from the castle and rideth amidst the forest the day long, and meeteth a damsel and a dwarf that came a great gallop.

  32. Howbeit, he followeth after into the city for that he might not overtake him before, and therein he meeteth a great procession of priests and clerks that bore crosses and censers.

  33. Lancelot goeth back right amidst the forest and rideth the day long, and meeteth a knight that was coming, groaning sore.

  34. The King smiteth his horse with his spurs as hard as he may, and meeteth the knight with his spear and the knight him.

  35. He meeteth a knight that came from that part, and he was wounded full sore.

  36. Now the story is silent about the two knights for a little time, and speaketh of the squire that Messire Gawain meeteth in the midst of the forest, that told him he went seek the son of the Widow Lady that had slain his father.

  37. And he meeteth a knight that cometh a great pace to a castle.

  38. And he meeteth a knight that was coming athwart the forest and came toward Messire Gawain a great gallop like as he were smitten through the body, and crieth over all the forest: "What is your name, Sir knight?

  39. Here the story is silent of Messire Gawain and beginneth to speak of Lancelot, that entereth into a forest and rideth with right great ado and meeteth a knight in the midst of the forest that was coming full speed and was armed of all arms.

  40. On this plane, the traveler meeteth with many a trial and reverse.

  41. And if he meeteth with injustice he shall have patience, and if he cometh upon wrath he shall manifest love.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "meeteth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.