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Example sentences for "maske"

Lexicographically close words:
mashie; mashing; masi; masin; mask; masked; masker; maskers; masking; masklike
  1. I ran from Shrewsbury (my Noble Lord) Where hatefull death put on his vgliest Maske To fright our party North.

  2. O then, by day Where wilt thou finde a Cauerne darke enough, To maske thy monstrous Visage?

  3. Tis nine a clocke, our friends all stay for you, No maske to night, the winde is come about, Bassanio presently will goe aboord, I haue sent twenty out to seeke for you Gra.

  4. Now this Maske Was cry'de incompareable; and th' ensuing night Made it a Foole, and Begger.

  5. The Watch-word in a Maske is the bolde Drum.

  6. My Leige, they’re come, a maske of gallants.

  7. Caesar zweimal kurz nacheinander nach einer Maske verlangt: Tibellus, let there be a case of vizards privately provided.

  8. And after thei daunced and communed together, as the fashion of the maske is, thei tooke their leave and departed, and so did the quene and all the ladies.

  9. As the maske of Penelope's Wooer, with the State of Telemachus, with a Controversie of Jrus and his ragged Company, whereof a great parte was made.

  10. Nay, this is all, for I have seene the day A richer maske had not so much to say.

  11. Inago Jones be not satisfied for his last Maske (because I hear say it cannot come to much) here is enough to be had: This is but a copy, but if Sir Ro.

  12. Come on, Madam; me thinks now a maske would do well.

  13. CANTO XII The maske of Cupid, and th'enchaunted 2 Chamber are displayd, Whence Britomart redeemes faire 4 Amoret, through charmes decayd.

  14. Canto xii The maske of Cupid, and th'enchaunted Chamber are displayd, Whence Britomart redeemes faire Amoret, through charmes decayd.

  15. Mit dem anlegen der maske versetzt er sich in ekstase, fuehlt er sich in fremde lebensvorgaenge ein, eignet er sich das wesen an, mit dem er sich durch die maske identificiert.

  16. There was no truer dignity beneath the ruffles and periwigs of their ancestors in the Maske picture-gallery than that of the rude, blunt fellow who could face modestly and yet kindly a whole roomful of well-dressed Londoners.

  17. He knows as well as we do that the Marquis of Maske was found dead in the bush; of that we have absolute proof.

  18. Lost in the bush, like Maske himself, only the child's body was not found.

  19. The most glaring case in point was that of the pictures, which alone would make the worldwide fame of a less essentially noble seat than Maske Towers.

  20. No, to tell you frankly, I was on a little inquisitive pilgrimage to Maske Towers.

  21. On the instant he recovered from his enchantment, and set off for the shrubbery at a brisk walk; for he had heard much of the Maske stables, and evidently there they were.

  22. Matt Hunt, they call him, of the Lower Farm; but it might be of Maske Towers, by the way he goes on!

  23. Think of me as I was, and look at me as I am; think of my little hut on Carara, and look behind you at Maske Towers!

  24. You own some of the loveliest seats in the whole country; wait till I have shown you Maske Towers!

  25. The Marquis of Maske landed in Melbourne in the early part of 1854.

  26. Nor was it an arrangement calculated to increase a young man's respect for his father; in the case of Maske it intensified contempt, and created the craving for revenge.

  27. Having said what the Maske will not be, Mr. Punch goes a step further--and stops, thinking it will be better to reserve particulars until after the Performance.

  28. A GREAT deal of curiosity has been expressed about the Gray's Inn Maske of Flowers, which has puzzled a number of people.

  29. The Maske is not so called from everybody in Gray's Inn appearing in "big heads.

  30. One said of a foule face, it needes noe maske, it is a maske it selfe.

  31. Nay," said another, "it hath neede of a maske to hide the deformitie.

  32. Mr. Rudyerd tels that to muster men in these tymes is as good a colour for sedicion, as a maske to robbe a house, which is excellent for that purpose.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "maske" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.