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Example sentences for "marketplace"

Lexicographically close words:
market; marketable; marketed; marketh; marketing; markets; markgrave; markhor; marking; markings
  1. A similar anticipation is ascribed to Thales; they say he commanded his friends to bury him in an obscure and contemned quarter of the territory of Miletus, saying that it should some day be the marketplace of the Milesians.

  2. Pyrrhus was now making good his retreat, and while the marketplace afforded them ground enough both to retreat and fight, frequently repulsed the enemy that bore upon him.

  3. When the king and the centurion arrived in the city, they were taken to the marketplace and shown the houses where the inhabitants had been massacred.

  4. The galley which carried Josephus from Tiberias was scarcely out of sight when John, who was standing in the marketplace watching the busy scene with amusement, heard the shout raised: "The Romans are coming!

  5. So he reasoned in the synagogue with the Jews and the devout persons, and in the marketplace every day with those who met him.

  6. But when her masters saw that the hope of their gain was gone, they seized Paul and Silas, and dragged them into the marketplace before the rulers.

  7. Still, they did learn this truth at last, and the result was that one day the old fire-engine was sold by auction in the marketplace of the nearest town and bought for a trifle by one of the hop-growers.

  8. It sounded as if the women gathered in the marketplace to welcome the return of the German warriors had set up a howl of misery, which was ended by the crack of the conductor's stick.

  9. They are like to children sitting in the marketplace and speaking one to another and saying: We have piped to you, and you have not danced: we have mourned, and you have not wept.

  10. And going out about the third hour, he saw others standing in the marketplace idle.

  11. The whole marketplace before the Stadt Huys, illuminated by a thousand torches, was crowded with people regaling at long tables, which groaned beneath the burden of good cheer.

  12. He proclaimed a great holiday in Atri, and invited everyone to come to the marketplace and see the bell.

  13. The company packed themselves in and on a caravan and they set out on their day's journey of thirty miles to a small town in Staffordshire, in the marketplace of which they were to give a three weeks' season.

  14. Traders and money changers, with an eye for business in a growing marketplace made a more ample living.

  15. Placing a part before the whole involves competition all the way from the marketplace to the chancelleries where the fate of nations is discussed and decided.

  16. But I can't just walk out into the marketplace and begin preaching there.

  17. He had been standing upon the steps of the great door of the cathedral that looks upon the marketplace where the tram-lines meet, and he had been dressed very magnificently and rather after the older use.

  18. But an interactive marketplace is not fertile soil for networked democracy or public participation.

  19. Were these nations required to compete in the global marketplace through the production of goods or services, then a passive, uneducated population would no longer bring their monarchs the wealth to which they are accustomed.

  20. In the marketplace were the provost, the herald, and the judges.

  21. Once back in the great marketplace she was set on the scaffold, bound to a stake, and the executioner laid before her a bundle of grass and a clod, signifying the pit of the grave.

  22. The executioner and his assistants brought her to the marketplace of Damme where there was a scaffold on which she mounted.

  23. So I went with the housecarle, who led me again through the marketplace to that same great house whence I had been sent forth overnight.

  24. Many were the questions put me as I passed into the marketplace of Bridgwater, but I answered none, pushing on to where I saw Osric the Sheriff's banner over a great house.

  25. He used to buy caged birds in the marketplace that he might let them loose.

  26. The hexagonal pulpit in the Baptistery of Pisa, the octagonal pulpit in the cathedral of Siena, the fountain in the marketplace of Perugia, and the shrine of S.

  27. Then there is a visible parable, showing a marketplace in some wicked capital, neither Babylon, Tyre, nor Nineveh, but all of them in essential character.

  28. Then I behold the mediæval marketplace hunched against the building, burying the foundations, the life of man growing rank and weedlike around it.

  29. When a man steals cattle, they cut off his right hand and left leg and nail them up in the marketplace as a warning to everybody.

  30. The market people crowd the marketplace with their baskets of figs, dates, melons, apricots, etc.

  31. But it would not necessarily be false to ascertain that behind diversity there are a limited number of changing formulas, some better adapted to succeed in the marketplace than others, and some better packaged than others.

  32. Constitution are totally forgotten in the global marketplace by people who take them for granted.

  33. As such, the library is a "mighty resource in the free marketplace of ideas," Minarcini v.

  34. In 1634, in what later came o be known as "tulipmania", tulip bulbs were traded in a special marketplace in Amsterdam, the scene of a rabid speculative frenzy.

  35. This is not to say that bureaucracies and venal officialdoms, over- regulation and intrusive political involvement in the workings of the marketplace are good (efficient) things.

  36. Moreover, a trusty messenger hath reached Sir Giles Seaward with orders to raise the countryside and to assemble in Petersfield marketplace to-morrow at noon.

  37. The cart proceeded on its way, and passed through a wide marketplace in the centre of which stood a cross.

  38. However this may be, there is a monument to him in the marketplace of Asiatic Magnesia.

  39. At the election for Northamptonshire the common people were so violent in their hostility to the court candidate that a body of troops was drawn out in the marketplace of the county town, and was ordered to load with ball.

  40. She was put to death on a scaffold in the marketplace of Winchester, and underwent her fate with serene courage.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "marketplace" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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