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Example sentences for "marchers"

Lexicographically close words:
marchaunt; marchauntes; marched; marchen; marcher; marches; marcheth; marchin; marching; marchings
  1. The paper was fairly torn from the hands of the venders in the streets, and processions of red-ribboned marchers became more frequent.

  2. The marchers entered the barracks of the Fusilier Guards--known in Berlin and North Germany generally as the Maikaefer--and demanded that the soldiers surrender their weapons.

  3. The Lords Marchers began to form the royalist party.

  4. It became clear to the Lords Marchers that their power was endangered by Llywelyn's success, and that they must make common cause with Prince Edward.

  5. The Marchers who escaped from Lewes were followed up by Simon, and being encircled by his forces and those of Llywelyn, submitted in December, 1264.

  6. The suddenness and unexpectedness of the detonation would make the marchers start and jump involuntarily.

  7. Some of these marchers would come during an interval of silence to a position on the road not ten feet from a darkened, camouflaged howitzer just as it would shatter the air with a deafening crash.

  8. When the marchers reached Greenwood, Mississippi, a S.

  9. At a moment's notice, a chain of command could be activated, and millions of marchers would be in the streets.

  10. The marchers maintained their nonviolent tactics in the face of many arrests and much intimidation.

  11. Later that evening, a white woman from Detroit was shot and killed on the highway between Montgomery and Selma as she was ferrying marchers back home.

  12. The marchers exuded an aura of interracial love and brotherhood.

  13. July 9, in stifling heat, the marchers had come to a loop in the Monongahela River.

  14. When the marchers camped at night they had to bury themselves in snow to keep from freezing.

  15. Two miles from Deerfield the marchers run short of food.

  16. It was extremely well organized and the large mass of totally untrained marchers was handled so efficiently as to surprise all who saw it.

  17. Thus being of such puissance, they did much mischeefe to the Englishmen that inhabited on the marshes, neither were the lords marchers able to resist them, although the earle of Glocester aided the same lords all that he might.

  18. I imagine that the discipline in this army is the strictest in the Confederacy, and that the men are much better marchers than those I saw in Mississippi.

  19. I saw no stragglers during the time I was with Pender's Division; but although the Virginian army certainly does get over a deal of ground, yet they move at a slow dragging pace, and are evidently not good marchers naturally.

  20. Day after day, stoical as men of bronze, the marchers reeled off the long white miles over the snowy wastes, pausing only for night sleep with evening and morning meals.

  21. Small rugs are placed in the path of the marchers or circles are drawn on the floor, through which the marchers must pass.

  22. He agreed that the Lord Deputy and all the marchers might cut passes where they pleased, and gave up his son again pending the King's final decision.

  23. He thought that Irishmen on the whole kept their word as well as Englishmen, 'and if Irishmen use their own laws, so doth the Earl of Ormonde, and all the Lords Marchers in Ireland.

  24. It was five o'clock in the afternoon when Jackson's swift, silent marchers began to draw near to the unsuspecting right wing of Hooker's army under the command of General Howard.

  25. He could see already in his imagination the long lines of sweating half fainting marchers staggering under the strain.

  26. Fifth Avenue was a vast funeral procession; only the marchers could not have told you what it was that long since had died of gold on Fifth Avenue!

  27. And as they looked the challenge of sex died in the eyes of the women: the marchers had no sex; anybody could see they had no money!

  28. Chapter Three Magic Mystifies the Marchers Princess Ozma was all unaware that the Army of Oogaboo, led by their ambitious Queen, was determined to conquer her Kingdom.

  29. He was very popular on the Welsh border, and met with rapid success, breaking up the forces of the Lords Marchers before they could come to a head, and finally making both the Mortimers prisoners, sending them to the Tower.

  30. His men, already the best marchers on the American continent, could go no farther.

  31. We've heard that his men are the greatest marchers in the world.

  32. They never straggle and they're just about the best marchers we have.

  33. We know, sir, that your men are good marchers already.

  34. After the meeting, the marchers surrounded the speaker's "public carriage" to escort him to the mayor's house.

  35. The wide felt hat, with one flap turned up, was called the Wide-awake, but the election marchers did not wear them at all.

  36. Hence, the number of real Lordships Marchers may, perhaps, be fewer or more than are there mentioned.

  37. Humphrey of Hereford, Roger of Amory, and a few other marchers managed to escape the king's pursuit, and rode northwards to join Thomas of Lancaster.

  38. The change of policy of the marchers was partly at least brought about by their constant difficulties with the Prince of Wales.

  39. Master of the chief passage over the lower Severn, Edward abandoned the western campaign and went with his marchers to join his father at Oxford, where he at once stirred up the king to activity.

  40. Scarcely was their victory assured when Edward and the marchers came back from the pursuit of the Londoners.

  41. The removal of Edward and the marchers from the field enabled Montfort to profit by his sacrifice of the Londoners.

  42. Gloucester refused to appear, and the marchers declined to take part in the trial, pleading that it was against their liberties.

  43. Edward had witnessed the failure of his mother's attempts at invasion, the futility of the legatine anathema, and the collapse of the marchers at Worcester.

  44. Even after the treaty of Worcester, the marchers remained under arms.

  45. He devastated the lands of the marchers on the Bristol Channel and slew Edward's deputy in battle.

  46. The marchers were in arms in the west, and were specially formidable because they detained in their custody the numerous prisoners captured at the sack of Northampton.

  47. The marchers gratified their rage by massacring helpless fugitives, and by mutilating the bodies of the slain.

  48. A few days after the treaty of Pipton, Gloucester Castle opened its gates to Edward, and the marchers advanced westwards to seek out Earl Simon at Hereford.

  49. Meanwhile the conqueror of the principality had shown unmistakably that the liberties of the march were an anachronism, since the marchers had no longer the work of defending English interests against the Welsh nation.

  50. In this way the city emptied itself, but so slowly that the very slowness of the movement wore the marchers out.

  51. I tried to sleep, but the rumble of artillery wagons and shouts of the marchers prevented.

  52. He and the other Lords Marchers have drawn their forces far northward to join the host of Crusaders.

  53. It may be so," said the Constable; "but I rather augur some civil war among the Lords Marchers themselves.

  54. We saw above that in order to represent the amble the marchers had to move the legs of the same side simultaneously.

  55. We have just seen that, in order to represent the amble, the two marchers moved their right limbs simultaneously, and then their left ones.

  56. It is true that the marchers were fired upon; that shots were fired by some of these defendants; but why were the shots fired?

  57. The marchers were unduly silent and those who knew nothing of the lawless plan of the secret committee felt somehow that something must be wrong.

  58. The Lord Marchers and the King's Bailiffs, backed by English support, had taken fresh heart from Welsh dissensions and were pressing hardly on those native chieftains who did not side with them.

  59. Lordship Marchers themselves were too often represented by deputies, and something like the abuses that were familiar in Ireland in more recent times owing to middlemen added to the confusion.

  60. There were other Lord Marchers and other English garrisons between Chester and Carnarvon, but at the time this story opens the Greys were beyond a doubt the most ardent and conspicuous props of the English Crown.

  61. Mortimer and other Lord Marchers had been notified in good time to raise the forces of the border counties and march out to meet the Welsh.

  62. The King, before starting for Scotland and before getting Grey's letters, had commanded his Lord Marchers to use conciliation to all dissatisfied Welshmen and to offer free pardons to any who were openly defying his authority.

  63. The idea of a Welsh invasion spread to comparatively remote parts, and urgent letters carried by hard-riding messengers went hurrying to the King from beleaguered Marchers and scared abbots, beseeching him to come in person to their rescue.

  64. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "marchers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.