On the way I shot three duck, and later, when it was too dark to shoot, we could see the beach between the mangroves and the sea was almost black with them.
We were off again at daylight the next morning, the scenery improving as the interminable mangroves gave place to the forest.
On the coast, the sea penetrating in the lowlands have formed sloughs and lakes, on the shores of which thickets of mangroves grow, with tropical luxuriancy.
Finding that the belt of trees was a thicket of mangroves along a salt-water creek, I returned to some shallow lagoons near the forest, the water of which was drinkable, though brackish and aluminous.
We met, however, only with salt-water, where themangroves commenced, and had consequently to continue our journey.
I came to the conclusion that they could not, being by this time too far over toward the other side of the lagoon, and consequently too close in to the mangroves to be able to see over them.
Then the leaves of the mangroves themselves, as well as silt, soil, and rubbish floating in the water, gradually accumulate about and around these roots.
The whole theory of the mangroves becomes clearly revealed as soon as the water begins to sink at low tide.
His notes about the mangroves in the Persian gulf are still of some importance.
It is where a river ends in a delta, dividing into intricate and confused irregularly winding creeks, that the mangroves are especially luxuriant.
Fifteen or sixteen houses, surrounded by coconuts, are scattered along half a mile of beach, and at its head the bay narrows and then extends inland among mangroves and their attendant swamps.
From the mangroves overhanging the stream we obtained several nests of a sunbird (Arachnechthra, sp.
At first the river was about 30 yards wide and ran between low banks covered with stretches of mangroves and forest alternating, both fronted by a border of nipah palms.
The shoreline was backed by a dark vegetable wall, here and there broken and fronted by single trees, white mangroves tightly corded down, and raised on stilted roots high above the tide.
Suddenly the mangroves opened, and the creek ended in a wharf, with barges alongside.
When darkness fell suddenly on the landscape, as it is prone to do in tropical regions, the gnarled roots of those mangroves assumed the appearance of twining snakes in Nigel's eyes.
There are a few shrubs, and several kinds of the palm; mangroves also grow in great plenty near the head of the bay.
They saw the savages force their way among the mangroves higher up the river, and flee to the hills at the north; and, confident that they were at present in safety, Arthur anxiously reviewed his forces.
That would be easy enough, and we have mangroves close at hand that would answer exactly for making them.
In view of the paucity of recent records of this species from the mainland of the peninsula, it is noteworthy that several individuals were seen flying to and from the beach and mangroveslate one evening about 4 km.
The male at Zacatal was in mangroves alongside the ferry landing (for the ferry from Isla del Carmen) and seems to be the first specimen of this subspecies recorded for the state.
A pair was on the mudflats among mangroves at Sisal, of which the male was taken on August 7.
A fiddler-crab, a mullet, or other small fish is hooked through the lips, and is cast from a boat to the edge of the mangroves or other bushes, in the same way as in casting for mascalonge in northern waters.
It feeds on small mollusks and barnacles, resorting to old wharves and about the mangroves where such food abounds.
It lies under the mangroves and cocoa-plum bushes along Indian River and other streams of the east coast of Florida, watching for stray fishes and crabs on which it feeds.
Mangroves grow there, under the shelter of which you will be perfectly safe, and I will join you immediately.
At the hour the alligator leaves the mud of the bank to plunge again into the Gila, the sound of horses a short distance off compelled me, lest I should be discovered, to bury myself in a thicket of mangroves and floripondios.
Concealed by the thickly-growing mangroves and shrubs, intertwined in inextricable confusion, the Tigrero glided cautiously down to the bank.
Well, behind those mangrovesyou will find the man you call the Great Buffalo.
On the west it is enclosed by steep banks of tuff, which tolerate no swamps of mangroves on their borders.
The mangroves had grown in clusters, giving the appearance of a number of small islets.
The mangroves lay behind him, a dusky blur streaked with a thick white steam which trailed out in long wisps across the sea that heaved blackly beneath the boat.
He had to find a certain reef-studded bay, and run the schooner into a creek among the mangroves without being seen by the gunboat which he had reason to surmise was looking out for him.
They nest in communities in mangroves in southern Florida and in swamps, in company with many other species, in the northern portions of their range.
In rushes or mangroves like that of the last species; the eggs are the same size but average brighter in color (2.
A frail structure of sticks, in mangroves or low trees; 3 or 4 pale, greenish blue eggs splashed with brown (2.
On the west, the water is salt enough for mangroves to grow for fifty miles up the Hoogly; on the east, the sea coast is too fresh for that plant for ten miles south of Chittagong.
But since the extension of the mangroves depends on the growth of the reef-patch, which takes place on the average at a much slower rate, it follows that this can only be a minimum limit for the age of this island.
There certainly has been no great advance seaward of the margin of the mangroves in this half century.
We might perhaps expect to find the remains of such a belt in the upraised sea-borders; or if no traces existed, we ought to find in some places an extension inland of the reef-flat on which the mangroves at one time flourished.
In the time of Wilkes the mangroves only occupied about one-third of the reef-patch.
Max Büchner, came upon a hot spring issuing among the mangroves at the coast about a mile from the village of Ndavingele in Kandavu.
The mangroves extend to within a mile of its border; and it is possible that though lying about five miles inland, it may be indirectly affected by unusually high tides.
Mangroves flourish around the lake and also line the passage; whilst elevated reef-rock is to be observed on the sides of the passage.
Such a bank may have originally been produced by the deposits brought down by the Ndama River which finds an exit through the mangroves near the base of the cape.
The mangroves that line its banks spread out in broad tracts when in ascending the river we emerge from the hills into the plains.
The borax and mangroves and fern were here as lofty as forest-trees, whilst the trees themselves shot up like church steeples.
The sun sank red and gold, and all the wide flat seemed on fire, with little mangroves standing clear and dark against the ruddy glow.
But some time elapsed and we had poled to within a few rods of the mangroves before I really caught sight of our coveted quarry.
Yesterday we went up on the north side of the island to the place near the mangroves where we had seen some bonefish.
At high-water you do not see the mangroves displaying their ankles in the way that shocked Captain Lugard.
But, fringing the rivers, there is always a hedge of younger mangroves whose lower branches get immersed.
The effect is not in the least as if the water had fallen, but as if the mangroves had, with one accord, risen up out of it, and into it again they seem silently to sink when the flood comes.
I saw nomangroves whatever, and no appearance of swamp.
I fear they are very unhealthy--mangroves and low swampy ground abound.
This time Ned was quite ready for his share of the evening meal, which was eaten in silence as the travellers sat watching a patch of bushes which grew where the mangroves ceased.
Malay again; and he pointed this time toward the right bank of the river, or rather to the fringe of mangroves on that side.
Upon the humid coasts of Borneo and Sumatra, the Casuarinas mingle their weeping branches with those of the mangroves and fig-trees.
The Mangroves form, in the family of the Rhizophoras, a genus distributed in the moist localities of the Tropics, and we shall hereafter meet with them in South America.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mangroves" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.