Mallard or no Mallard, did Gadsby ever talk to any other woman?
Having heard that Lord Rawdon had retired with his army to Hanging Rock, General Rutherford moved from his rendezvous to Rea's plantation, eighteen miles north-east of Charlotte, to Mallard Creek.
Mrs. Hatch-Mallard scornfully; "any rubbishy old story is good enough for him.
Mrs. Hatch-Mallard renewed the lease in due course, but Ada Bleek has never renewed her friendship.
Mrs. Hatch-Mallard gave a sardonic snort, which, being translated, meant that there were some people who were better fitted for cemeteries than for garden parties.
With a swift revulsion of feeling the girl knelt over a mallard duck and drake, the little brown mate by some trick of fate, with her dusky head lying across the neck of her bright-plumed lord.
The mallard drakes twisted their emerald-green heads and began that low, half gurgling, half quacking conversation in which their mottled brown and gray mates joined with louder quacks.
Jim was already in the duck pen, hustling the several dozen mallard and black ducks into an inland corral.
My forefoot was hardly through the fringe of reeds when a mallard saw me and gave the alarm.
I remember nothing about the three ducks for I nearly jumped out of my skin; and my stupefaction was complete when I saw a big animal appear at the surface and leave the water with the mallard in his mouth.
I was now to learn better, as with a great flapping of wings and a loud quack the mallard disappeared below the surface.
Mallard was going to stay with him for ever, at fine wages.
He will bind a mallard with his beak, nor needeth he any lure save the voice of the falconer.
Other hawks were then flown at various game, mallard and crane and bittern.
Rogeron of Angers bred many hybrids from a male pochard and a duck bred from a Mallard and a Gadwall.
In the Common Mallard or Wild Duck (Anas boscas) the cock is far more showily coloured than the hen, but in all the species most nearly allied to it the males are as inconspicuous as the females, e.
As the dusky duck inhabits North America, where the mallard is also found, the case is particularly striking.
On the other hand, some certainly are not reversions, such as the appearance of a white ring in the neck of the female of the Rouen duck, which should resemble the Mallard as regards the plumage of the neck.
Ambrose Mallard cried, either for himself or his comrade, Queeney could not say which.
Chumley Potts offered Ambrose Mallard fair odds that the neat little trap of the chief sporting journal, which had a reputation to maintain, would be over one or other of the bridges crossing the Thames first.
Ambrose Mallard was far enough from his fatal lady now--farther than the Poles asunder.
If he doesn't let the fellow fib the wind out of him,' Mallard addressed his own crab eyeballs.
Young Mr. Mallard is our authority; and he says, she enjoyed it, and cheered the victor for being her husband's man.
Mallard had been struck by the neat little trap of an impudent new and lower-priced journal, which had a reputation to gain.
Brosey Mallard down on him for a few fighting men.
Potts was ready for any amount of trouble; Mallard the same.
Mallard applied to the earl for a loan of fifty guineas.
Ambrose Mallard lay as peaceful in consecrated ground: and Chumley Potts would be unlikely to think that the helping to lay Ambrose in his quiet last home would cost him a roasting until priestly intercession availed.
Mallard had said: 'The girl 's rather good-looking, too.
It swept among his ruminations while he pricked Potts and Mallardto supply his craving for satanical fare.
Admiring his friend's audacity, deploring his rashness, reproving his persistency, Potts allowed his verdict to go by results; for it was clear that Mallard and Fortune were in opposition.
Mallard had got the vertigo, he reported the gambler's launch on dementedness to the earl.
Major Mallard turned away his face that he might conceal his smile, and without further words led him a prisoner to the Governor's house, the house that so long had been Colonel Bishop's own residence.
Miss Bishop was still with Peter Blood when Major Mallard entered.
On the mole at Port Royal, under the low, embattled wall of the fort, Major Mallard and Lord Julian waited to receive him, and it was with infinite relief that they assisted him from the sloop.
He was left to wait under guard in the hall, whilst Major Mallard went ahead to announce him.
But I have the information from a Major Mallard whom I found in Port Royal, apparently governing in this fool's absence.
A corporal's guard was drawn up to receive him, and in advance of this stood Major Mallard and two others who were unknown to the Deputy-Governor: one slight and elegant, the other big and brawny.
She effaced herself, escaping into the garden, and Major Mallard fetched the Colonel.
Major Mallardexceeded his duty," said Blood, and because of the effort he made to steady his voice it sounded harsh and unduly loud.
Or you may come unaware upon a pair of wild ducks, paddling softly on one of the smooth and sheltered reaches, the mallard still splendid in the nuptial plumage he is so soon to lose.
Had they gone to the extreme end of the pool, we could have had boiled mallard for dinner.
A pair of mallard ducks were swimming about in one end of it,--the cool end.
Unquestionably, the mallard duck can be reared in captivity in numbers limited only by the extent of breeder's facilities.
The large flock ofmallard ducks, Canada geese, and snow geese on Lake Agassiz was completely wiped out.
So far as I am aware the mallard is the only wild duck that has been bred in sufficient numbers to slaughter for the markets.
Of all American ducks the common mallard is the most persistent and successful breeder.
Crandall and the author wrote for the New York State Conservation Commission a pamphlet on "Breeding Mallard Ducks for Market.
But the old Mallard was shy and silent; he only mumbled out something that they could not hear, and swam away apart.
And there in a pool of a little stream they found an old Duck, very prim and matronly, swimming about with her brood all round her, and the Mallard with them.
I saw this illustrated one spring in the case of a mallard drake.
We withdrew, and the homesick mallard started up through the currant patch, then through the vineyard toward the highway which he had never seen.
Pole in hand, big John Johnson of the crew stood on the rocking raft anchored below The Big Mallard and opposite the rock where the boat had sunk and smiled his solemn smile at Bruce.
Certain it was that The Big Mallard was the supreme test of courage and boatmanship.
It was the only rapid where they had stopped to "look out the trail ahead," but a peculiarity of the Big Mallard was that the channel changed with the varying stages of the water and it was too dangerous at any stage to trust to luck.
So the rope was taken off his neck, and he was turned over to Mr. Mallard the Mission Justice of the Peace, much to the relief of the fellow who saw death staring him in the face.
One day I killed an otter, and afterward hearing a wild goose on shore, I went for the game and killed it on a small pond on which there were also some mallard duck.
This delicate and diminutive species of the Goose is not much larger than the Mallard Duck.
In size they are larger than a Mallard Duck, but inferior to the Snow Goose; and though their flesh appears delicate to the eye, it is not much esteemed.
Though not much larger than the Mallard Duck, they frequently swallow fish of six or seven inches {435} long and proportionably thick.
I have proven to my own satisfaction that a Quill Gordon sparsely dressed as it should be, but tied with a black hackle and yellow mallard wings, is just as successful as the customary dressing.
A mallard drake, in frantic flight, whirred past, fifteen or twenty feet above his head, making for the water.
Now and again a sturdy mallard could be seen stoutly battling his way against the wind towards some rush-covered sanctuary, quacking triumphantly as he hung for a moment over it, and then, dropping, was lost to view.
Brent, that he crossed a white Aylesbury drake and a black so-called Labrador duck, both of which are true breeds, and he obtained a young drake closely like the mallard (A.
The white collar round the neck of the mallard became much broader and more irregular, and white feathers appeared in the ducklings' wings.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mallard" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.