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Example sentences for "make discoveries"

  • Since the departure of Ojeda another squadron had touched upon the coast, and produced a transient alarm, being an expedition under one of the Pinzons, licensed by the sovereigns to make discoveries.

  • About this time Amerigo Vespucci received letters of naturalization from king Ferdinand, and shortly afterwards he and Vincente Yafiez Pinzon were named captains of an armada about to be sent out in the spice trade and to make discoveries.

  • Colonel William Clayborne, Captain Henry Fleet, and Major Abram Wood were empowered to make discoveries to the west and south.

  • In the year 1497 King Dom Manuel, the first of that name in Portugal, despatched four vessels to make discoveries and go in search of spices.

  • Your Highnesses already know that we had ordered Vasco da Gama, a nobleman of our household, and his brother Paulo da Gama, with four vessels to make discoveries by sea, and that two years have now elapsed since their departure.

  • England under the royal flag, to make discoveries in the east, the west, and the north, and to take possession of countries inhabited by Pagans, and not previously discovered by other European nations.

  • In the year 1788, the African Institution was formed: its object was to send persons properly qualified to make discoveries in the interior of Africa.

  • Ever since my arrival in Louisiana, I made it my business to get information in whatever was new therein, and to make discoveries of such things as might be serviceable to society.

  • After the Spaniards came to have settlements on the Great Antilles, it was not long before they attempted to make discoveries on the coasts of the Gulf of Mexico.

  • In 1738, the French East India Company sent Lozier Bouvet with two ships, the Eagle and Mary, to make discoveries in the South Atlantic Ocean.

  • Le Maire and Schouten The next attempt to make discoveries in the South Pacific Ocean, was conducted by Le Maire and Schouten.

  • The Dutch, in 1721, fitted out three ships to make discoveries in the South Pacific Ocean, under the command of Admiral Roggewein.

  • The next attempt to make discoveries in the South Pacific Ocean, was conducted by Le Maire and Schouten.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "make discoveries" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    fine copy; make believe; make choice; make firm; make free; make from; make game; make head; make her; make himself; make his; make inquiries; make laws; make preparations; make resistance; make sail; make shift; make speeches; make their; make themselves; make things; make use; make what; make you; social equality; then proceed