He bare a launsgay in his honde, And a man ledde his male, 210 And reden with a lyght songe Unto Bernysdale.
Thus be these good yemen gon to the wod, As lyght as lefe on lynde;[L172] They lough and be mery in theyr mode, Theyr ennemyes were ferre behynd.
The knyght lyght downe of his good palfray; Robyn whan he gan see, So curteysly he dyde adoune his hode, 235 And set hym on his knee.
I enswyr yow, and he may make yow aqwetance or get yow one of the Bysheop of Wynchestyr for Syr John Fastolfys goodes also, and in my reson thys wer lyghtto be browght a bowght with the same bargayn.
Veryly ther is no tidynges on that side the se, safe only the welfare of yow and all other there, that I wuld so fayne here of as of a jentyll trottyng hors that were lyght and pleasaunt in dedes, if eny such be there.
Naruaez signifyed againe vnto Mutezuma with the messengers who carried all the triumph and muster pointed, all his former dealings, but hearing that Cortes was néere at hande, he sente out hys lyght Horsemen to dyscrie his Campe.
He bare a launsgay in his honde, And a man ledde his male, And reden with a lyght songe Unto Bernysdale.
The knyght lyght doune of his good palfray, Robyn whan he gan see; So curteysly he dyde adoune his hode, And set hym on his knee.
And lykewyse if thou do euyll, great infamy shall lyght on me, euen as it did to Seneca for Nero his cause, whose cruelties don in Rome were imputed to his mayster Seneca.
The conceit of which excuse Turnus could not kepe secret, but sayd: that a matter betwene the father and the sonne might be ended in few wordes: for if the childe would not be obedient to his father, some mischyef must needes lyght vppon him.
This shal be if neyther many thyngs, neither euery lyght thynge be taught them when they be yong, but the best only & that be mete for their age, whiche is delighted rather in pleasaũt thynges then in subtile.
Preceptes of philosophye be as it were the eyes of the mynde, and in manner geue lyght before vs that you may see what is nedefull to be done and what not.
That whych we haue spoken touchyng health, that same perteineth to the care of hys bewety, whyche as I confesse is not to be lyght set bye, so to carefully to be regarded, is not very meete for a man.
But who would euer thynck (my Lady deare) that a Lyght Opinion could so soone haue deuided your good iudgement, to condempn your Knight before you had heard what he was able to say, for himself?
Thus did God provid for his servandis, and did frustrat the expectatioun of these bloody beastis, who by the death of one, in whome the lyght of God did clearly schyne, intended to have suppressed Christis trewth for ever within this realme.
Charge was gevin, that all man should lyghtand go to array; for thei wald fight it.
And so gatt the Devill fredome agane, whair that befoir he durst nott have bene sene in the day lyght upoun the commoun streatis.
But since that it hath pleased the mercyis of God to reveill unto the unthankfull world the lyght of his wourd, the rycht use and administratioun of his sacramentis, he assayis man upoun the contrarie parte.
WATER is more subtyll and lyght thanne erthe, but in respect of Ayre and Fyre, it is grosse and heuye, and of hir proper Nature is colde and moyste.
FYRE is absolutely lyght and clere, and is the clarifier of other elementes, if they be vyciate or out of their naturall temperaunce, and is properly hotte and drye.
O, to se my snow ballys lyght on my felowes heddys, And to here the byrdes how they flycker theyr wynges In the pytfale!
Nowe I pray God that his malediction Lyght on my wyfe, and on the baulde[266] preest.
But if by no entreatie she will be turned, 105 Then sette lyght by hir and bee as testie as shee, And doe your force upon hir with extremitie.
It was ordained that if any of the Court hereafter might “happen to lyght or fall into povertie or dekaye” that he should have a pension out of the Common box.
Colour is lyght incorporate in a body visyble pure and clene.
It is folly to set our trust in thynges whiche shall fall sythe that we knowe Cest folie de nous fier ez choses qui cherront puisque cognoissons selfely the soveraygne lyghtnesse to be darked of a lyght cloude.
Wherfore his trust is that the hearers wyll more regarde his saynge than fayned fables of poetes / and fleyng tales of lyght folkes / whiche ar for the more parte the grounders of fame & rumours.
Every man sawe that he dyd soo, That ryall was ever in rowght; Every man schoote hys horsse him froo, And lyght hym rowynde abowght.
That good lyghtthat is so clere Call Y the Duke of Exceter, Whos name in trouthe shyned clere, His worship spryngethe wyde.
The ship hath closed hym a lyght To kepe her course in way of ryght, A fyre cressant that bernethe bryght, With fawte was never spyed.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lyght" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.