Dislocation of the #inferior radio-ulnar# articulation may complicate fracture of the lower end of the radius, or accompany sub-luxation of the head of the radius.
After reducing the luxation it is advisable to tie the rope to the collar, so that the limb is carried forward.
In case the luxation is more permanent, the horse stands quietly with the affected leg held stiffly and extended backward.
The following treatment may be recommended: The luxation may be reduced in the large majority of cases by backing or turning the animal.
This luxation can be noticed best when standing in front of the animal.
In addition to the above signs, a luxationis usually characterized by pain, swelling, hemorrhage beneath the skin from damaged or ruptured blood vessels, and even paralysis, when important nerves are pressed on by the displaced bones.
The prognosis of a luxation is comparatively less serious than that of a fracture, though at time the indications of treatment may prove to be so difficult to apply that complications of a very severe character may arise.
The accident of a luxation is less often encountered in the animal races than in man.
Among the wise men of Egypt, then in her acme of civilization, there was not one to reduce the simple luxation which any student of the present day would easily diagnose and successfully treat.
Nelaton describes a case of luxation of the penis in a lad of six who fell from a cart.
He could displace his muscles so that the lower angles of the scapulae projected and presented the appearance historically attributed to luxation of the scapula.
Acheson records a case of luxation of the cervical spine with recovery after the use of a jury-mast.
Bonnet reports a case of fracture of both thighs, two right ribs, luxation of the clavicle, and accidental club-foot with tenotomy, with good recovery from all the complications.
It was believed (one hundred and seven days after the accident) that both fracture and luxation existed.
Congenital luxation of the femora, when it appears in adult women is a prominent factor in dystocia.
Thirty-five centuries ago Darius, son of Hydaspis, suffered a simple luxation of the foot; it was not diagnosed in this land of Apis and of the deified discoverer of medicine.
Two forms of true patellar luxation in the horse may be considered; one which is due to the patella becoming fixed upon the internal trochlear rim of the femur and the other when the patella slips over the outer rim of the trochlea.
In valuable breeding animals, owners may prefer that treatment be attempted when a lateral luxation and detachment of but one common ligament have permitted luxation without complete disarticulation and rupture of the joint capsule.
Manifestation of this affection varies, depending upon the character of the luxation (position of the head of the humerus with relation to the acetabulum).
But where luxation of phalanges accompanies sprain, reposition and immobilization are necessary--that is if cases are thought likely to benefit by any treatment.
Luxation or dislocation is a condition where the normal relation between articular ends of bones has been deranged to the extent that partial or complete loss of function results.
This, the most common luxation met with in the equine subject, has been described by writers as existing in many forms.
Being very prominent when there is an upward luxation and less perceptible in downward displacement, the location of the trochanter major is an indicator of the character of the luxation with respect to the position of the head of the femur.
Usually, luxation and fracture may be differentiated in that there is no crepitation in luxation and more or less crepitation exists in fracture.
Complete luxation of the scapula is recognized because of immobility of the scapulohumeral joint and of the abnormal position of the head of the humerus, which can be recognized by palpation, unless the swelling be excessive.
Fixed luxation may be of such character as to be practically irreducible because of extensive damage done to ligaments or cartilage.
In theLuxation of the Vertebra's of the Neck, the Head stands to one side, and the Face is swell'd and livid, with a difficulty of Respiration.
If the Luxation be External, the Leg becomes shorter than the other, the Knee and Foot turning inward, and the Heel to the outside.
When the Luxation is on the fore-part, a Tumour ariseth in the Groin, so that the Patient cannot draw this Thigh toward the other, nor bend the Leg; his Body resting only upon the Heel.
Then he must be oblig'd to keep his Bed; and the same Bandage is to be apply'd with that which hath been describ'd for the Luxation of the Knee.
The Posterior Luxation is reduc'd by obliging the Patient to lie upon his Belly, whilst the Surgeon during the Extensions bends the Leg, in drawing the Heel toward the top of the Thigh.
Of the Luxationof the Patella, Knee-Pan, or Whirl-Bone of the Knee Ibid.
After the luxation has been reduced, the patient must be nourished for some time on liquid food, and abstain, as much as possible, from speaking.
The reduction of the luxation must be performed as quickly as possible.
On the strength of this observation, the author believes that in certain appropriate cases, recourse may be had to the luxation of a tooth, rather than to its extraction to obtain a cessation of toothache.
If, however, the luxation is bilateral, the chin inclines and projects forward; the lower teeth are farther in front than the upper ones, and the muscles of the temples are tightly stretched.
How both detachment andluxation of the head of the humerus should occur, can scarcely be explained.
Luxation of the Radius alone, backwards on the outer condyle, is sometimes met with; but this bone is seldom singly displaced far from its original site.
Luxation of the first joint of the thumb is rather an uncommon accident, and is not easily managed.
In some individuals, dislocation is very apt to occur, perhaps from peculiar laxity of fibre; and if in any person luxation of a joint has once been produced, the accident is apt to occur again and again from but slight causes.
Luxation may also take place backwards; and in this case the heel is elongated and the foot shortened.
Luxation certainly cannot take place after fracture; no force can be applied to the head of the bone sufficient to displace it.
Luxation of the Patella is spoken of by some as common.
Luxation of the hip downwards and forwards, the head of the femur lying in the thyroid foramen, is generally produced by a fall under a heavy load, the thigh being at the same time forcibly abducted.
Illustration] Luxation of the Elbow-joint is an extremely common accident, particularly in young persons, before the bony processes have been fully formed.
It was accomplished without difficulty, and the usual precautions were afterwards adopted; but next day it was discovered that luxation had again taken place.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "luxation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.