There was also a provision in the Bill relative to the erection of lunatic asylums in counties, and the ordering the reception therein of pauper lunatics allowed at present to range abroad, to their own and the public injury.
Moreover, the Central Authority took no steps to get such persons removed to lunatic asylums.
Parliament in 1862 (in order to relieve the pressure on lunatic asylums) expressly authorised arrangements to be made for chronic lunatics to be permanently maintained in workhouses, under elaborate provisions for their proper care.
It has done a very great deal to provide medical aid and primary education for the common people, and it has improved wonderfully the condition of the hospitals, lunatic asylums, and other benevolent institutions committed to its charge.
They felt the necessity, too, of thoroughly reorganising the hospitals and the lunatic asylums, which were in a very unsatisfactory condition.
In lunatic asylums, in law, and in novels jealousy plays an important part, for it is one of the most fruitful sources of tragedies and human unhappiness.
They willingly choose a career suitable for their degenerate purposes, and especially that of attendant in lunatic asylums.
To bring this silly sophistry down to its just value, common-sense has only to recollect the existence of lunatic asylums.
This company, being dangerous to themselves and to others, require to be put under the guardianship of rational men, or, better still, in lunatic asylums.
I think if all these games could be confined to lunatic asylums it would be just as well for the world.
I have been prompted by my friends and urged by a sense of duty to write the history of the Ten Years I spent in Lunatic Asylums, and give it to the public.
I herewith give to the public and reader a true statement of facts relative to some of my former life, and ten years, ten months and thirteen days while held in lunatic asylums by bars and bolts.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lunatic asylums" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.