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Example sentences for "lobulated"

Lexicographically close words:
lobs; lobscouse; lobster; lobsters; lobular; lobule; lobules; loca; local; locale
  1. In Myxinoids a peculiar lobulated glandular organ is found imbedded in the peritoneal coat of the intestine near the entrance of the bile-duct, into which its lobules open separately.

  2. Usually it appears as an elongated, flattened, more or less distinctly lobulated organ, in close apposition to the duodenum between the layers of the mesoduodenum.

  3. The lobulated appearance is chiefly seen from within, the amnion being raised by a number of irregular convexities.

  4. Each gland consists of a small duct which terminates in a lobulated recess.

  5. In other cases the growth of papillar bodies projects in great cauliflowerlike tumors with deeply furrowed and lobulated surface, over which a covering of epidermis may or may not be present.

  6. They are at first discrete and movable, and may even vary in size from time to time; but with the addition of peri-adenitis they become fixed and matted together, forming lobulated or nodular masses (Fig.

  7. In exceptional cases one of the skin tumours may attain an enormous size and cause a hideous deformity, hanging down by its own weight in lobulated or folded masses (pachy-dermatocele).

  8. The periosteal lipoma is usually congenital, and is most often met with in the hand; it forms a projecting lobulated tumour, which, when situated in the palm, resembles an angioma or a lymphangioma.

  9. The commonest variety is the subcutaneous lipoma, which grows from the subcutaneous fat, and forms a soft, irregularly lobulated tumour (Fig.

  10. It forms a rounded, lobulated swelling, seldom of large size and yielding a sensation like that of a sponge; the skin over it is normal, or may exhibit a bluish tinge, especially in cold weather.

  11. In reptiles and birds they are long lobulated bodies lying close to the testis or ovary and receiving an adrenal portal vein.

  12. In the Reptilia it is situated by the side of the carotid artery; but in young crocodiles it is lobulated and extends all along the neck, as it does in birds, lying close to the side of the oesophagus.

  13. Defn: Made up of, or divided into, lobules; as, a lobulated gland.

  14. It was attached by a thickish neck, presented the common lobulated appearance of adipose sarcoma; but its external surface, its feel, and section, were very different.

  15. It is not so much lobulated as fatty tumours generally are.

  16. Some tumours are smooth; others lobulated or tuberculated.

  17. From molluscum contagiosum, neuroma and lipoma; the first is differentiated by its central aperture or depression, neuroma by its painfulness, and lipoma by its lobulated character and soft feel.

  18. The 'intermediate skeleton' of Eozoon (which we hold to be the calcareous matrix of the above lobulated grains, etc.

  19. The swollen limb presents immense lobulated masses, heaped up at different parts, separated from one another by deep sulci, which are especially marked at the flexures of the joints.

  20. It was lobulated and had a large, brown-colored areola; the nipple, however, was of the same size as that on the left breast.

  21. The leg below the knee has become enormously deformed by the production of the elephantoid masses; the outer side of the thigh remains healthy, but the skin of the inner side has developed so as to form a very large and pendant lobulated mass.

  22. Inspection showed a large lobulated tumor protruding from the abdominal wall at the umbilicus.

  23. Circumscribed lipoma appears as a lobulated soft tumor, more or less movable, lying beneath the skin.

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lobulated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.