The chess terms and method of notation have been translated into Esperanto by Mr. Ellis, and published in the "Lingvo Internacia.
Afterwards prohibited in Russia, owing to the collaboration of Count Tolstoi, and transferred to Upsala under the name Lingvo Internacia.
A parody in Esperanto verse, entitled Lingvo de Molenaar, and sung to the tune of the American song Riding down from Bangor, narrates the fickleness of Pan-Roman and how it changed into Universal.
The official authority, which deals with all matters relating to the language itself, is the Lingvo Komitato (Language Committee).
Zamenhof at page 254 of his "Fundamenta Krestomatio de la Lingvo Esperanto," which he says is "a book that should be in the hands of every earnest student who desires to acquire a correct Esperanto style.
Nun alvenas la horo de la sukceso por la lingvo internacia = Now comes the hour of (the) success for the international language.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lingvo" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.