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Example sentences for "likin"

Lexicographically close words:
liket; liketh; likeways; likewise; likewyse; liking; likings; likit; likker; likly
  1. I, not likin to work at all, am a firm beleever in slavery, and wood be firmer ef I cood get start enuff to own a nigger.

  2. Lately a proposal has been made in certain quarters that likin stations along the railways be abolished; and the measure has been adopted by the Peking-Tientsin and Tientsin-Pukow Railways at certain places.

  3. Likin stations are found throughout the country, while raw materials are taxed.

  4. LIKIN "Likin stations have been established at places where railway communication is available.

  5. Owing to the collection of likin the development of both home and foreign trade has been arrested and the people are working under great disadvantages.

  6. When this is done, proposal should be made to the Powers having treaty relations with us concerning the abolition of likin and revision of Customs tariff.

  7. With the increase in the number of treaty ports, the "likin zone" will be gradually diminished.

  8. We, on the other hand, impose likin all along the line upon native commodities destined for foreign market in addition to export duty.

  9. Thencefrom the proceeds from likin will be decreased year by year.

  10. By the Treaty of 1903 China has undertaken the abolition of likin with a moderate and proportionate raising of the customs tariff along with currency reform.

  11. When this is done, proposals should be made to the Powers having treaty relations with us concerning the abolition of likin and revision of Customs tariff.

  12. When the towns and cities throughout the country are connected by railways, there will be no place for likin stations.

  13. The commercial and industrial enterprises of the country can only thrive after likin is abolished and only then can new sources of revenue be obtained.

  14. We, on the other hand, impose likin all along the line upon native commodities destined for foreign markets in addition to export duty.

  15. With the increase in the number of treaty ports, the 'likin zone' will be gradually diminished.

  16. Ther's nubdy livin at aw like better nor thee, an aw dooant know another aw like as weel, but tha knows when it comes to weddin, it mun be summat moor nor likin th' next time.

  17. He further proposed as a fair likin tax forty taels per picul (though certain that the Chinese did not get more than 30) on all Indian opium, that brought to Hongkong included.

  18. As the treaty regulations then stood, imports, except opium, after paying their regular import duty, were not liable to likin or transit dues till they reached a certain barrier at some distance inland.

  19. Duty is levied under two heads, the first being a duty proper, payable on the issue of salt from the depot, and the second being likin levied on transit or at the place of destination.

  20. The collection of the duty on opium is in the hands of the provincial officials, but they are required to rendera separate account of duty and likin collected on the drug, and to hold the sum at the disposal of the board of revenue at Peking.

  21. Additional articles were subsequently signed in London relative to the collection of likin on Indian opium and other matters.

  22. The amount and frequency of likin taxation are fixed by provincial legislation--that is, by a proclamation of the governor.

  23. By arrangement between the British and Chinese governments the foreign customs levy at the port of entry a likin on Indian opium of taels 80 per chest, in addition to the tariff duty of taels 30.

  24. By the term likin is meant a tax on inland trade levied while in transit from one district to another.

  25. Many carry foreign flags, by which they are exempt from the Chinese likin duties, so capricious in their imposition, and pay instead a general five per cent.

  26. The amount of this surplus can be estimated, because all exported opium has to pay customs and likin dues to the value of two shillings a pound, and the amount thus collected is known.

  27. Two boys staggering under loads of firewood did not escape so easily, but were detained and a log squeezed from each wherewith to light the likin fires.

  28. These were official pack animals, which were franked through the likin barriers without examination.

  29. We clawed with our hooked bamboos round the sterns of a hundred Szechuen junks, and were again arrested at a likin boat, and more cash passed from my laoban to the officials in charge.

  30. We ascended the steep incline opposite, and passed the likin barrier, but at a turn in the road, higher still in the mountain, a woman emerged from her cottage and blocked our path.

  31. This was the settlement of questions relating to the simultaneous collection of duty and likin on opium--two of the burning questions of the day in the south.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "likin" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.