Laya went into hiding, and several persons convicted of having a copy of the obnoxious play in their possession were guillotined.
Notes on the History of Religion in the Himálaya of the N.
Footnote 228: Atkinson, 'Notes on the History of Religion in the Himálaya of the N.
This is the earth's "laya center" of the Eastern physics.
Six laya centers are manifested in the sun; one is laid aside, though the wheels [planets] around the One Eye be seven.
Each one of these planets has its laya centre inside the sun's photosphere.
Draw a line from the laya center in the sun to that in the earth.
From the laya point in the sun to the laya point in the earth, the solar energy is transferred as sound is carried along a beam of light (photophone), or electricity from one point to another without a wire.
In their reception of energy from the sun, it is as if the planet were at the solar laya point, or connected with it by a special pipe-line.
The position of these six planetary laya points in the sun is indicated by the position of the planets in the heavens, and they may often influence or modify one another.
These six solar laya points are the six "hidden planets," the earth and moon being one, of the ancient metaphysics.
This alludes to the moon, whose laya center in the sun is now also that of the earth; but it is considered as a planet].
The rich and varied flora of the Himálaya will be referred to later.
The south-east corner of Bashahr is a little to the north of the great Kedárnáth peak in the Central Himálaya and of the source of the Jamna.
In the Alpine Himálaya the scanty tree-growth is represented by willows, junipers, and birches.
In the bleak uplands beyond the Himálaya tree-growth is very scanty, but in favoured localities willows and the pencil cedar, Juniperus pseudosabina, are found.
The first are forests of deodár, blue pine, fir, and oak in the Himálaya above the level of 5000 feet.
These consist of Tertiary sandstones, clays, and boulder conglomerates, the débris in fact which the Himálaya has dropped in the course of ages.
In Kashmír the Zánskar or Inner Himálaya divides the valley of the Indus from those of the Chenáb and Jhelam.
The Outer Himálaya also starts from a point near the Rotang pass, but some way to the south of the offset of the Mid Himalayan chain.
To meet trans-Indus extensions of the Himálaya the Hindu Kush pushes out from its main axis great spurs to the south, flanking the valleys which drain into the Indus either directly or through the Kábul river.
The rain-clouds striking the Eastern Himálaya are deflected to the west and forced up the Gangetic plain by south-westernly winds.
Simla stands on the south-western end of this watershed, and below it the Himálaya drops rapidly to the Siwálik foot-hills and to the plains.
A sacred range of mountains lying along the Himálaya chain immediately adjacent to Kailása, the paradise of Kuvera, the god of wealth.
Then all the Gods of heaven, in need Of Gangá's help their vows to speed, To great Himálaya came and prayed The Mountain King to yield the maid.
Footnote 6: A devâlaya is a place in which a deva is worshipped--a general name for all Brahmanical temples.
The laya center in Sweden quickens; there is a Swedish or Gothic invasion of Celtic lands south of the Baltic; the continental Teutons presently are freed.
Western Laya Center play the part in Europe, that the Southern one did in the manvantara 870 B.
Suppose you have four laya centers in Europe: four Foci through which psychic impulses from the Oversoul pour through into this world.
The Italian laya center had expanded; Italy had boiled over.
The river flows from the heights of the Himálaya towards the Ganges, bounding on the east the country of Videha (Behar).
Then all the Gods of heaven, in need Of Gangá’s help their vows to speed, To great Himálaya came and prayed The mountain King to yield the maid.
With his two wives away he fled Where high Himálaya lifts his head, And, all his wealth and glory past, He paid the dues of Fate at last.
From heat of burning anguish sprung The sweat upon his body hung, As when the sun with fervid glow On high Himálaya melts the snow.
Best of all lights, the Day-God fills With glory earth and sky: Himálaya is the lord of hills That heave their heads on high.
Maináka was the son of Himálaya and Mená or Menaká.
Himálaya is of course par excellence the Monarch of mountains, but the complimentary title is frequently given to other hills as here to Malaya.
Situated in the eastern part of the Himálaya chain, on the north of Assam.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "laya" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.