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Example sentences for "laude"

Lexicographically close words:
laudat; laudation; laudations; laudatory; laudatur; lauded; laudem; laudes; laudibus; lauding
  1. Si qua sane in Sanctis so be, he praise her without or | digna laude vel admiratione aboue[e] her Deserts, Prou.

  2. Your worshipfull Demeanyng in this case and in this tyme of so straite necessite shall be an example to all þe land aftre I besiche you right hertly to contynue yor saide goode & worshipfull entent to yor perpetuell laude & worship hereaftre.

  3. I am certeyn that þe kinges highnesse will yeove you a grete Laude & speciall thankinges & alle the land hath cause to do þe same.

  4. Laude al pictor, ma più laude in che scriva Quello a futuri che i presenti sanno, Origin e stato e che al triseptimo anno Morte spense ogni ben che in te fioriva.

  5. Eclogae and sequel by Nemesianus, his models, De laude Pisonis, 277.

  6. The poem de laude Pisonis is now generally attributed to Calpurnius Siculus.

  7. See the frontispiece to Laude di Feo Belcari e di altri.

  8. After Lucilius succeded Horacius, moche more eloquent in wrytynge whiche in the same deseruyd great laude: Persius also left to vs onely one boke by the whiche he commyttyd his name and laude to perpetuall memory.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "laude" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.