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Example sentences for "laudatory"

Lexicographically close words:
laudare; laudari; laudat; laudation; laudations; laudatur; laude; lauded; laudem; laudes
  1. Even Houghton, however, in his flamboyantly laudatory work describes Gould's cheating of Pratt and Leupp, and Leupp's suicide.

  2. Of the real details of his early life little is known except what has been written by laudatory writers.

  3. The Fray's letter Carlos thankfully added to the numerous laudatory epistles from the doctors and professors of Alcala that he already had in his possession.

  4. They thought it probable that Don Carlos Alvarez could assist them if he would, especially since there had been found amongst his papers a highly laudatory letter of recommendation from the late Canon Magistral.

  5. Further, his journal devoted part of its very limited space to occasional paragraphs laudatory of O'Leary, and not ill-calculated to strengthen popular confidence in his name.

  6. One of the most truthful chapters of the laudatory life of Reynolds, the informer,[48] is that aiming to show that he could not have been the spy who caused the arrests at Margate.

  7. Among many laudatory criticisms, one was couched in an entirely opposite spirit.

  8. I am of opinion that it is more easily explicable by the fact that Berlioz was a gifted conductor, and that the public had been prepossessed in his favour by the laudatory articles of Prince Odoevsky himself.

  9. The ascent to the palace was accomplished under a wild choral chant, laudatory of the monarch, which invariably announces his return from an excursion abroad.

  10. So well known was this custom of his, that A†neas Sylvius, when writing to Sigismund of Austria, alluded to it in laudatory terms.

  11. I think I can say nothing more laudatory of the manner in which the whole process of zootomic division was carried out than what Siebenkaes, an interested party, said himself, viz.

  12. It occurs to me, however, that as showing the point of view from which his criticisms are made, it may not be amiss to give readers a rather more specific conception of his philosophy, by reproducing a laudatory quotation he makes.

  13. Whether what has been said will lead readers to discount the laudatory expressions I quoted at the outset, it is not for me to say.

  14. The coincidence between Augustinianism or Calvinism, with its doctrine of human corruption, and the hard cynicism of the maxims, presents itself in quite a piquant form in some of the laudatory opinions on La Rochefoucauld.

  15. In the opinions of the Press will be found a selection from half a century of laudatory notices to which the few curious touching such matters will turn, while those who misjudged my work are duly acknowledged in this paper.

  16. Armed with all the magical powers conferred upon him by this Tablet, and heartened by all the laudatory epithets which his wife Tiâmat heaped upon him, Kingu went forth at the head of his devils.

  17. He said a great deal about me, to my disgust, though it was in very laudatory terms.

  18. The question is brought before the senate: the decree is passed in the most solemn and laudatory terms: the jurymen are complimented: the magistrates are commissioned to carry it out: no one thought that the fellow would venture on a defence.

  19. In the meantime the remarks upon Esther vary from the wildly laudatory to the discriminatingly censuring.

  20. The famous goblet, by order of the Senate, was also present, as a proof that the laudatory words pronounced by the Secretary of the Ten at the close of the report were well deserved.

  21. Her "Biography for Girls" contains various novelettes, in each of which the heroine lives the conventional life and dies the conventional death of the period, and receives a laudatory epitaph.

  22. They are often described in the most laudatory terms; but it is little they do that makes them worthy of the epithets with which they are honored.

  23. On the other hand, the laudatory style in which this country was invariably spoken of was certain to be offensive to those whom it was the design of the work to enlighten.

  24. It is not for an American to find fault with the laudatory tone of a work which reflects the ardent love of country felt by the writer.

  25. The most helpful form of criticism is the interpretative variety, not necessarily the laudatory "appreciation" that is so popular in our day, but an honest effort to understand and elucidate the intention of the writer.

  26. Or, How to Philosophise with the Hammer), I should much like to send a copy to the Swede you introduce to me in such laudatory terms.

  27. In the mouth of the people it is a laudatory word; the German word schlecht is identical with schlicht (cf.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "laudatory" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    appreciative; complimentary; etiquette; favorable; flattering; glowing; good; panegyric; regardful; respectful