Which, noble Sir, the Kinge thus mittigates: See, I have heare your pardon.
And thus Jhu kepe you writen the xix^{th} daie of June at London in the xxiiii yere of the Reigne of oure Soueraien Lorde the Kinge Henry the Eight.
It is described by Bishop Percy in his Northumberland Household Book, where we have the following account: "And then the Usher to lay a Carpett for the Kinge to Creepe to the Crosse upon.
Usher shall be redie with a Cushion for the Kinge to kneele upon; and then the greatest Lords that shall be ther to take the Bason with the Rings and beare them after the Kinge to offer.
Then he most humbly thanked his Majestie and shortly after founde out a Concealment, which as soon as he sought, the Kinge bestowed it on hym, wherewith he paid the most part of his Debtes; and for always after he became a better Husband.
Spie out somewhat, and you shall see whether the Kinge hath not Power to bestow it on you.
Then grimmlye dyed sir Mordered, Presentlye upon that tree: And bloody streames ranne from the kinge 115 Ere to the duke returned hee.
The kinge then call'd his nobles all, Before the breakinge of the daye; And tolde them howe sir Gawaine came, And there to him these wordes did saye.
Ere the first crowinge of the cocke, 5 When as the kingein his bed laye, He thoughte sir Gawaine to him came,[58] And there to him these wordes did saye.
Sidenote: A kinge that hath about him any that are to much lovers of warre, or to much lovers of peace shal cause him to erre.
The very same thinge is to be sayde / where a kinge or suche which do retayne the supreame auctoritie / do commaunde or determyne anye thynge againste right.
Heliseus / saye they / that he might be suffred to kneele in the temple of Rymmon that Idoll / whẽ the kinge did worshipp / and leane vppon his arme.
This lawe of God woldeKinge Achab haue broken / and therto required he the cõsent of Naboth / which he with a good and a safe conscience could not do / and therfor wold not.
Alexander that gret and mightie kinge of Macedonia / who by the force of armes / and most notable victories / hadd subdued the greatest parte of the whole worlde / Euen he hymself was ouercomme with the maniers of the Persians.
And that divers of their ancetors had given lyvelyhood to houses of religion to be prayed for, and confirmacions under the Great Seale of our noble ancestor Kinge Henry the Third, son of Kinge John, confirming the same grants.
Who answered, by reason the Kinge is the greatest enemie hee hath in the world.
For God and the Kinge hathe not sent us the poore lyving we have, but to doe services therefore amonge our neighbours abroad.
Surely it is so, yet the Kinge must be served and the commonwealth.
Kinge Charles with him dide lede, 728 They were doughty in all stourys And worthy men of dede.
Brouland How shal I do to avenge me Of kinge Charles, and in what wyse?
The Kingehimselfe and his Baronye, the king was With Dukes And Erilles roialle, 736 Gouerned alle the medil partye.
Kinge Charles made hevy che[rh], And a sory man̄ was than.
I charge you vppon̄ youre legeaunce, That ye bringe me that gloton, 808 and charged them to That clepeth himselfe kinge of Fraunce, bring him alive that Hidere to my Pavilon̄.
And the kingetherwith founde them lordes and all ministres and defended them.
And it happened after he had bene there longe tyme/ y^t Abimelech kinge of y^e Philistias loked out at a wyndow & sawe Isaac sportinge with Rebecca his wife.
All these came together vnto the vale of siddim which is now the salt see Twelve yere were they subiecte to kinge kedorlaomer/ and in the .
Then paye we rent yerely/ though there grow never so litle on the grounde/ And yet when the kingecalleth paye we neuer the lesse.
Than went out the kynge of Sodome/ and the kynge of Gomorra/ and the kinge of Adama and the kynge of Zeboijm/ and the kynge of Bela now called Zoar.
Farder the Kinge asked me at y{t} present time what I thowght of hys voyage.
The Wordes y{t} I rememb{r} were betwixt theKinge and the Q.
And the kinge sent to have a gathering throughout Firando towardes the releeving the pore people whose howses were burnt; towardes which we gave a tay in plate.
Many other matters they wrot of, which is overlong to set downe, namely, that the Kinge of Spain was sending an embassador to the Emperour of Japon with a greate present, in respect of his favour to Christians.
Sugian Dono came and brought me a present of 2 baggs sweet powlder to lay amongst aparell, and said they were geven hym per the kinge and formerly geven to the king per the Emperour.
Yet the kinge saved his lyfe in respect he was of Langasaque, but banished out of his dominions for ever, in payne of death yf ever he were fownd heare againe.
What wonder is it then, that a yonge and innocentKinge be deceived by craftye, covetouse, wycked, and ungodly counselours?
If the king had risen forth of his place, He wold have sate him downe in the cheare, And tho itt beseemed him not so well, Altho the kinge had beene present there.
He serched the bishop, and found the keyes, To come to the kinge when he did please.
In Scotland is a bonnie kinge, As proper a youth as neede to be, 10 Well given to every happy thing, That can be in a kinge to see: Yet that unluckie country still, Hath people given to craftie will.
When all this treason done and past Tooke not effect of traytery, Another treason at the last, They sought against his majestie; 85 How they might make their kinge away By a privie banket on a daye.
It is accustomed that a knight of the Chambre or elles squire of the bodie or both be p’sent every time when the Kinge wolle shave.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "kinge" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.