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Example sentences for "kindi"

Lexicographically close words:
kindergartners; kinderly; kindes; kindest; kindhearted; kindle; kindled; kindles; kindleth; kindlier
  1. Some of these were known in the middle ages, for Kindi is placed by Roger Bacon in the first rank after Ptolemy as a writer on optics.

  2. Gipuyuk nákug kindi ang ákung anak arun magpatupi, I bribed my son with candy so that he would agree to get his hair cut.

  3. Nagyuhut siyag kúhag kindi sa lamísa, He sneaked a piece of candy from the table.

  4. Giduum sa bátà ang tanang kindi arun dì makapanghátag, The child tossed all the candy in her mouth so she would not have to share it.

  5. Kumúa nang kindi arun dì makítà, Keep the candy in your fist so that no one can see it.

  6. Mukwarta kug kindi pára sa bátà, I’ll buy some candy for the child.

  7. Nagkakubul na ang kindi nga ákung gilútù, The candy I’m cooking is gradually hardening.

  8. But Al-Kindi was not sufficiently advanced to write against astrology, which is still in full force all over the East even in our own times.

  9. A lamp is placed on a stool, and lighted in the middle room of the house, with a kindi of water and a young cocoanut near it.

  10. When the milk is about to be sprinkled, the usual lamp, rice on a metal plate, and kindi of water are produced.

  11. The girl is taken to bathe at a neighbouring pool, preceded by women carrying a lamp, a kindi of water, and other things which have been already described.

  12. They go to the local Thandan, and relate to him the incident, who thereupon gives him water in a vessel (kindi vellam).

  13. He then carries the child to a cocoanut tree near the house, round which he makes three pradakshinams, pouring water from a kindi round the foot of the tree as he does so.

  14. The girl has then to rise and jump over a kindi (vessel) of water with an unhusked cocoanut placed on the top, overturning it the third time.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "kindi" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.