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Example sentences for "kinde"

Lexicographically close words:
kina; kinaesthetic; kincob; kind; kinda; kindely; kinder; kindergarten; kindergartens; kindergartner
  1. English in Kinde Kit's Westward for Smelts, and popular in many forms and many literatures, tells of the woman falsely accused of adultery.

  2. He records the opposite belief of his opponents that Sunday was ordained "onely to use what kinde of exercises they thinke good themselves.

  3. But now there is suche a confuse mingle mangle of apparell, and suche preposterous excesse thereof, as euery one is permitted to flaunt it out in what apparell he lusteth himself, or can get by any kinde of meanes.

  4. Spaine, and out of the bay of Mexico: for the countrey it selfe doeth yeelde no kinde of bread to make graine withall.

  5. There are neere about this city of Mexico many riuers and standing waters, which haue in them a monstrous kinde of fish, which is maruellous rauening, and a great deuourer of men and cattell.

  6. They haue no bread of any kinde of graine, as they say: which I account a very great matter.

  7. At the first wee were terribly troubled with these kinde of flies, not knowing their qualities, and resistance wee could make none against them, being naked: as for cold wee feared not any, the countrey there is alwayes so warme.

  8. Here is no kind of corne nor graine, so that the people liveth onely upon plantanes and roots of sundrie sorts, very good; and nuts; nor any kinde of tame cattell, nor hens.

  9. He at this rises and tells mee that it was a company of buzards, a kinde of geese in that country.

  10. We had there a kinde of rice, much like oats.

  11. And in this kinde of comparison, they must so agree, that if the one be layed on the other, they shall exactly agree in all their boundes, so that nother shall excede other.

  12. And if it bee so in a blunte angeled triangle, it must nedes be true in all other, for there is no other kinde of triangles that hathe the one side so greate aboue the other sids, as thei y^t haue blunt corners.

  13. B, and as this way is light to doo, so is it certaine inoughe for any kinde of workinge.

  14. Kisse him, and with him into Egypt goe, With his kinde mother, who partakes thy woe.

  15. Is there then no kinde of men Whom I may freely prove?

  16. Kinde Soules, what weepe you, when you but behold Our Caesars Vesture wounded?

  17. All these playing their coossenings in their kinde are here set downe, which neuer yet were disclosed in anie booke of Conny-catching.

  18. These commonly be such kinde of idle Vacabondes as scarcely a man shall discerne, they go so gorgeously, sometime with waiting men, and sometime without.

  19. He was a very pleasant discourcer in earnest and in jest, and therfore very gratefull to all kinde of company, wher he was not the lesse esteemed, for beinge very rich.

  20. For he was school'd by kinde in all the skill 855 [Kinde, nature.

  21. How can we choose but have the itching gift, Kept in one kinde of cloaths, and never shift?

  22. If you be not reasonably assurde of your knowledge in this kinde of Poeme, lay downe the booke or read this, which I would wish had bene the prologue.

  23. The Irishman began to wonder at this strange kinde of feeding, giving the Barber to understand (so well as he could) he was never brought up to that kinde of feeding, and with an unmannerly thrust bad him, Avant.

  24. Kinde Devill quoth the man, if thou a while will wait, Ile bid her doe that thing shall make her backe thee straight And here Ile make a vow for all she is my wife, Ile never send for her againe whilest I have breath or life.

  25. More dew the Mercer, with a kinde salute, [5.

  26. A woman well in yeares liv'd with a husband kinde Who had a great desire to live content in minde, But twas a thing impossible to compasse his desire For night and day with scolding she did her husband tire.

  27. My kinde Hostis willing to pleasure the yong fellow, knowing in her time what belonged to such matters, went to Master Peele, and moved him in it: which he angerly refused.

  28. To Promise, is most Courtly and fashionable; Performance, is a kinde of Will or Testament Which argues a great sicknesse in his iudgement That makes it.

  29. I must intreat you honour me so much, As to aduance this Iewell, accept it, and weare it, Kinde my Lord 1 Lord.

  30. Performance, is euer the duller for his acte, And but in the plainer and simpler kinde of people, The deede of Saying is quite out of vse.

  31. Who then dares to be halfe so kinde agen?

  32. A little more then kin, and lesse then kinde King.

  33. Good night, but go not to mine Vnkles bed, Assume a Vertue, if you haue it not, refraine to night, And that shall lend a kinde of easinesse To the next abstinence.

  34. To his good Friends, thus wide Ile ope my Armes: And like the kinde Life-rend'ring Politician, Repast them with my blood King.

  35. But to the purpose; you were sent for; and there is a kinde confession in your lookes; which your modesties haue not craft enough to color, I know the good King & Queene haue sent for you Rosin.

  36. It is but foolery; but it is such a kinde of gain-giuing as would perhaps trouble a woman Hor.

  37. Speaking of examples in poetry, he says, "Right so no kinde of argument in all the Oratorie craft doth better perswade and more universally satisfie then example.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "kinde" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    kinder guess; kindest regards