Southern Samaria, which lies to the south and west of Mount Ebal, extends as far as the Wady Kelt and its northern confluent, the Wady es-Suweinit, which comes up from ancient Jericho to the vicinity of Michmash and Geba.
The most famous is the Pilgrim Ford, southeast of Jericho, just below the place where the Wady Kelt joins the Jordan.
One is at the shallow place where the Wady Kelt pours its waters and mud into the Jordan.
The boundary line followed the Wady Kelt up from the Jordan to the vicinity of Michmash and thence turned a little south of the Benjamite Ramah, running through Gibeon and westward to Gezer.
At Jericho itself the waters of the Wady Kelt and those of the famous Fountain of Elisha are utilized to-day as they were in ancient times.
To a Kelt death is a thing so interpenetrating life that thought of it brought no fear; there was a sort of adventurous anticipation about it.
The Kelt in her hugged the thought that these were secret service papers to be guarded with her life for his sake, his country's sake.
Hunger of soul, the black depression that comes to a Kelt like a breath from the grave, weariness of body must all be borne gallantly lest he be "raked up.
I canna thenk but that Macrae's kelt was too lang--prize or no prize.
It was no longer all white and glaring chalk, but a broad expanse of deep pasture; the Kelt was a rapid stream running with a loud murmur in its rocky chasm.
On the south side of this great chasm (the true head of the Kelt valley) stands Geba of Benjamin, on a rocky knoll, with caverns beneath the houses and arable land to the east.
Just where the Kelt falls into the Jordan there is a great bend westward, and an open shingly shore to the river.
WAcdy Kelt has been also thought to be the Brook Cherith, and the scene seems well fitted for the retreat of the prophet who was fed by the "'Oreb,aEuro whom some suppose to have been Arabs.
March a Grilse Kelt which weighed three and a half pounds, that he marked it with a brass wire, and let it go, and that in the March following he caught it again a Salmon of seven pounds weight.
In the evidence of Mr. George Hogarth, it is stated that he saw upwards of ninety Kelt fish in the mill lead at Grandholme, on the Don, May 6th.
The main road along the Wady Kelt ran past the villages of Ai and Bethel.
Close by the site of the ancient city came the perennial waters of the Wady Kelt with which it was possible to irrigate its fields.
The first of the two main fords in the lower Jordan is just below the point where the Wady Kelt enters the Jordan from the west and deposits its mass of mud and silt.
If the fish survives the perils of its first ascent and spawning season and as a kelt or spawned fish gets down to the sea again, it comes up a second time as a salmon of weight varying from 8 lb upwards.
The bull-trout, for some obscure reason, is not at all responsive to his efforts, except in its kelt stage.
But the Saxon had come to stay, and Teuton and Kelt became merged, much as do the lion and lamb, after the former has dined!
To state it as in the pedigree of the individual, the Aryan was the founder, the father of the family; Slav, Teuton, and Kelt the three sons.
To gaff a kelt involves an almost certain breach of the law, for the kelt is nearly sure to die.
Was that a clip or the handle of the landing-net; in other words, was it a salmon or a kelt that was fighting them there?
They've got something--and I dinna think it's a kelt from the way they're working.
Ronald was crouching in the stern of the boat, the big landing-net in his hand, watching the slow circling of the kelt as it was being hauled nearer and nearer.
And as he had not injured the kelt in any way, he reflected that he had enjoyed half-an-hour's excitement without doing harm to anything or anybody, and he was well content.
The fish is to be firmly controlled with a bent rod all the while, and when he comes in there is no decisive finish with the cleek, since your kelt must have his freedom unharmed if possible.
By this time the motions of a kelt had become familiar, and I liked not the docility with which this fellow allowed himself to be towed to land, nor his inertness when I had him in grip afterwards.
Harling and the notebook were resumed, and lest we should settle down too readily to monotony, a flutter down stream betrayed the whereabouts of the Black Dog, betrayed also a wretched little kelt (about 5 lb.
A similar bit of frivolity was practised by another fish ten minutes later at my middle rod, which, I forgot to say, had brought the well-mended kelt to bank.
The incidents that had to be deplored were what the salmon fisherman calls the kelt nuisance.
Let us still be thankful; a kelt is better than nothing, a spring fish is welcome, and we must be content with such chances as we can obtain.
Then I read in various authors that the Sclav is more like the Kelt than like his other ancestors, which observation applied equally well to my own people.
Perhaps the Kelt brought to Spain and France the first seeds of civilization; but the superiority of the Greek and the Latin obliterated the traces of that primitive culture which has left us no written monuments.
It is nothing remarkable that, in the varied fortunes of this great Indo-European family of races, if the Kelt came early to the front, the Sclav came correspondingly late.
The pure-blooded Kelt is easily discouraged, and no man sooner knows when he is beaten.
That signifies a conquest of Teuton overKelt more important and far-reaching in its results than the landing of Hengist and Horsa.
The lager-drinking Irishman in a few generations will be a new type of humanity--the Keltat his best.
When you add whiskey to that, or that essence of melancholia which in Ireland they call 'porther,' you get the Kelt at his very weakest and worst.
The Kelt has come to grief heretofore--or at least been forced to play second fiddle to other races--because he lacked the right sort of a drink.
She always impresses me as a sort of atavistic idealization of the old Kelt at his finest and best.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "kelt" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.